Přiblížení některých zajímavostí z přírody Skalnatých hor, převážně z různých míst Colorada (USA). Hlavní pozornost autor věnuje denním motýlům, zvláště druhům obývajícím vysokohorské alpínské polohy. and The article describes some remarkable issues in the Rocky Mountains, mostly from various sites in Colorado (U.S.A.). Special attention is paid to butterflies, particularly to the species inhabiting high mountain habitats.
Mikuláš Štraus is mainly known as a publisher of newspapers and leaflets after the Battle of White Mountain. The article builds on the analysis of the decorative material used by his printing workshop and provides some new conclusions concerning the illustrations of four books published by Štraus: a German translation of Hájek’s Kronika česká [Bohemian Chronicle], Barthold’s hymn-book Hymnorum sacrorum, Luython’s mass-book Liber I. missarum and the verse adaptation of an Old German legend published under the title Sumovní kronika. It identifies some illustrations as the work of the remarkable illustrator Jan Willenberg and thus indicates the wide range of motifs used by this hitherto undervalued artist., Jana Tvrzníková., Obsahuje anglické resumé., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The article explains the various errors that occur in the use of the concept of statistical significance. It points to the problem of census, nonprobability sampling, sampling of small populations and small samples. Another topic is the use of statistical methods on aggregated data files, especially from international research, and on weighted data. The authors point out that in many cases the use of statistical significance is not appropriate, and they warn against the incorrect use of traditional statistical methods. The article also presents methods that can be used to avoid the problems to which the authors have drawn attention.