The creation of the Portuguese overseas empire began after 1415 in the Atlantic area and gradually transformed itself into a multi-continental phenomenon. Around 1500, there was a period of particular expansion into Asia and Morocco, with a further consolidation of their position in Africa and Brazi. Although the king had tried to isolate the state from contemporary European events and had been engaged exclusively in activities on the world stage, the rather small and sparsely populated country began to run out of steam. The result was the enforced renunciation of her interests in North Africa (1542-1550), which had previously attracted more of the Crown's interest that the Orient. However, thereafter, the privileged position of the East in the Portuguese empire was never questioned, at least not at the ideological level., Karel Staněk., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Jedním ze zdrojů informací o pravěku je mitochondriální DNA (mtDNA). Díky mutacím, které v její molekule v průběhu času zcela přirozeně vznikají, lze rekonstruovat fylogenetický strom a datovat vznik jednotlivých větví i jejich další vývoj v jednotlivých oblastech světa. První evropské větve lidské mtDNA fylogeneze jsou zřejmě starší více než 50 tis. let a pocházejí s největší pravděpodobností z Předního východu. Díky mtDNA bylo rovněž zjištěno, jak se na složení evropského genofondu projevilo poslední maximum doby ledové před 20 tis. lety, kdy se kvůli ochlazení lidé stáhli do jihoevropských refugií a po oteplení před 15 tis. lety severnější oblasti znovu kolonizovali. Také se předpokládalo, že se vznikem zemědělství před 10 tis. lety proběhla další větší migrace z Předního východu. Ve střední Evropě je ale námi zjištěný příspěvek ,,neolitických“ mtDNA linií poměrně malý, takže se zemědělství v této oblasti šířilo spíše akulturací původních obyvatel, tedy přenosem kulturních dovedností. Výsledky odpovídají i demografickým modelům populačního růstu., According to the human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) phylogeny, European first branches seem to be more than 50 000 years old and may have originated in the Near East. MtDNA has also revealed how the composition of the European gene pool changed in association with the Last Glacial Maximum 20 000 years ago when the European population retreated into southern refugia and how after the amelioration of the climate some 15 000 years ago it re-colonized northern regions. The contribution of “Neolithic” mtDNA lineages in Central Europe has been determined as relatively small and agriculture probably spread more by the acculturation of indigenous inhabitants., and Edita Priehodová.
This contribution analyses several photographs made by Czechoslovak legionaries; these photographs capture various aspects of Buryat Buddhism in Cis-Baikalia - monks, lay people, their cult structures, temples and shrines and also interiors, altars etc. The set of about twenty photographs of this type were found in the Central Military Archive of the Czech Republic in Prague, they have not been precisely identified and have a remarkable testimonial value. They capture the state of Buryat Buddhism before the Bolshevik revolution whose effects became apparent in this region only after the departure of foreign intervention armies, including Czechoslovak legionaries. It is not an extensive and systematically created set; the photographs were discovered more or less by accident and they do not represent a targeted collection. Nevertheless their historical value is significant and they illustrate the situation around Lake Baikal very well., Luboš Bělka., and Obsahuje poznámky a seznam literatury
This paper deals with the causes of the Arab Spring in Yemen. It analyses political causes such as the system of political patronage and both the internal and external conflicts, which have weakened the state at multiple levels. It also discusses the social and economic causes, such as poverty, unemployment and the problems of oil, qat and water. This combination of political and socioeconomic factors, fuelled by the protests in Tunisia and Egypt, created a revolution, which led to the overthrow of the president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, who had ruled Yemen for 33 years., Veronika Kramáreková., and Obsahuje bibliografii