Po několikaleté heuristické přípravě vyšla loni historiku Miloši Hořejšovi publikace, která poprvé systematicky mapuje nacistickou představu o germanizaci Čech a Moravy rovněž prostřednictvím architektury. Praze se mělo dostat „nového prostorového uspořádání“ podobně jako Berlínu, Norimberku či Linci. and Michal V. Šimůnek.
The topmost meeting of experts in the area of nuclear physics and elementary particle physics, took place in Prague March 21-27, 2009. It provided an international science forum for exchanging information on computing experience and needs for the High Energy and Nuclear Physics communities, and also reviewed recent, ongoing and future activities. CHEP conferences are held in 18-month intervals (the last conference was held in Canada 2007). Nuclear physics and elementary particle physics (called high-energy physics today) represent branches that are also crucial for development in the area of computers and data processing. For example, it is particle physics that is credited for the emergence of the World Wide Web. and Alan Silverman, Miloš Lokajíček a Jiří Rameš, Jiří Dolejší.
The European Molecular Biology Organization organized a meeting in Prague October 1-3. At this symposium several topics were discussed: biology and genetics of mitochondria in relation to cancer; the role of mitochondria-targeting compounds in cancer suppression (including BH3 mimetics); mitochondria as transmitters of death receptor-induced apoptosis; regulation of apoptosis and the interplay of mitochondria with other organelles p53 and mitochondria in apoptosis regulation; and the role of mitochondria in targeting cancer stem cells. and Jiří Neužil, Ladislav Anděra a Alois Kozubík.