Za nejvýraznější přínos biografie Josefa kardinála Berana (1888-1969) pokládá recenzent zjištění nových či upřesněných životopisných poznatků na základě dosud nedostupných archivních materiálů. Těžiště publikace spočívá ve vylíčení Beranova konfliktu s komunistickým režimem po roce 1948 a poté jeho dlouholetého věznění, ukončeného roku 1965 odchodem do exilu v Římě. Četbu však podle recenzenta ruší stylová nejednotnost, nepříliš zdařilé je propojení biografické perspektivy s širším kontextem a v knize se vyskytují také nepřesnosti z oblasti katolické teologie a církevních reálií., The most pronounced contribution of this biography of Cardinal Josef Beran (1888-1969), according to the reviewer, consists in the facts the author has discovered and in his making biographical information more precise on the basis of previously inaccessible archive records. The main part of the publication is a discussion of Beran’s conflict with the Communist régime from the beginning of its establishment in 1948 and his long imprisonment, which ended in 1965, followed by his going into exile in Rome. But, according to the reviewer, the uneven writing style mars the work, as does the largely unsuccessful linking of the biographical perspective together with the wider context. Moreover, the publication contains inaccuracies in the area of Roman Catholic theology and Church life and institutions., [autor recenze] Michal Sklenář., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The relation between manuscript and printed books, their interaction and competition cannot be limited to the 15th century or the beginning of the 16th century. Manuscripts accompanied human activity far into the modern period - not only in official matters but also in the area falling under codicology. The progressing research into the Kroměříž Chateau library, specifically its beginnings associated with the bishop of Olomouc Karl von Liechtenstein-Castelcorno (1624-1695), provides the opportunity to identify and assess the manuscripts that the bishop gathered during his life. His fondness for books has long been known and appreciated, but this seems to have applied only to printed publications, not to manuscripts. At least for the time being, there are no known records of major acquisitions of medieval codices or the establishment of a Kunstkammer (‘wonder room’) containing rare books. This would not have corresponded to his practical nature and focus on solving topical problems of his time (recatholicisation, the restoration of the residential network of bishoprics, the stabilisation and development of economic administration)., Miroslav Myšák., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy