Search Results
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- S vyloučením veřejnosti
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 3/4 6 a 8 hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Vetřelec / Frau Sixta; Frau Sirta
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- Zač.: 3/4 6 a 8 hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Premiéra Butterfly / Premiere der Butterfly
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- Zač.: 3/4 6 a 8 h.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Hlídač č. 47 / Wächter Nr. 47
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 3/4 6, 8 hod
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Půlnoční vlak
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- Zač. 3/4 6, 8 hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Wienská krev; Vídeňská krev / Wiener Blut
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 1/2 4, 1/4 6, 8 hod., 3/4 6, 8 hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Její hřích
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 3/4 6, 8 hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Žíznivé mládí / Jugendrausch
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 3/4, 8 hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- V pokušení
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 3/4 6., 8 hod., v neděli též 1/2 4. hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Zločin bez svědků; Zločin beze svědků / Tat ohne Zeugen
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 3/4 6 a 8 hod.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0