The study deals with the role, so-called "white ballots" played in the political development of Czechoslovakia in the years 1945-1948. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
The influence of binaries on the evolution of globular clusters is studied numerically using the Monte Carlo method. It is assumed that initially the stellar systems are composed of single stars only and binaries are born /as a result of three-body encounters/ during the evolution of the clusters. The life of each hard binary in the cluster is studied individually. It is shown that the first binaries appear long before core collapse is completed, and then a population of a few hard binaries remains in the cluster during its whole life. Practically all energetic binary-single star interactions take place in the deep, internal parts of the core, populated mostly by the heaviest stars of the cluster. The binary-single star interactions become a source of energy which stops the collapse of the core and causes expansion and gradual disintegration of the whole cluster during the post-collapse phase.
The article discusses the display of computer generated holograms of 3D objects using a binary amplitude spatial light modulator. More precisely, it deals with binarization of a diffractive structure using dithering noise. It concludes that the dithering method is suitable for simple diffractive structures such as diffractive gratings, but fails to provide a good binarization of computer generated holograms of 3D objects., Článek se zabývá zobrazením počítačem generovaného hologramu 3D objektu na binárním amplitudovém prostorovém modulátoru světla, respektive binarizací difraktivních struktur. Rozvíjí myšlenku binarizace difraktivní struktury pomocí techniky ditheringu. Dospívá k závěru, že technika je vhodná pro jednoduché struktury typu difrakční mřížky, ale není vhodná pro počítačem generované hologramy 3D objektu., and Pokračování článku v příštím čísle