This year, we celebrate the 120th anniversary of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Arts. Today's Academy of Science of the Czech Republic expands upon efforts of its several predecessors. The first was the Royal Bohemian Society of Sciences (1784-1952). The Czech Academy of Sciences and the Arts was established in 1891 through the significant financial support by the Czech architect and builder Josef Hlávka, who became its first President. It was known until 1918 as the Franz Josef I. Czech Academy of Sciences, Literature and Arts. The aim of this institution was to promote the development of Czech science and literature and to support Czech arts. The most important work of this institution was its publishing activities. Scholarships and financial support were also provided and smaller research units arose from its initiative as well. and Magdaléna Pokorná.
Czech Head is aimed at supporting and promoting Czech science and technology. The project annually awards the best scientists and engineers. Prof. Antonín Holý (Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry) has been awarded by National Prize of the Czech Government., [Gabriela Štefániková]., and Autor užívá šifru srd
Proč se nekříží kočka se psem? Proč se sice může zkřížit kůň s oslem, ale jejich potomci - mulové či mezci - jsou neplodní? Z jakého důvodu jsou někdy strilní i kříženci dvou blízce příbuzných poddruhů, třeba myší, a souvisí to nějak se vznikem nových živočišných druhů? Jeden z nejdůležitějších článků tété záhady odhalil Jiří Forejt z Ústavu molekulární genetiky Akademie věd ČR, kterýá identifikoval první gen u savců zodpovědný za samčí neplodnost mezidruhových kříženců, přečetl ho a ukázal, jak je regulován. and Jana Olivová, Stanislava Kyselová.