The Research Centre of the Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences at Academia Sinica in Taiwan (RCT) was established on December 3, 2015. It is designed to act as a branch office of the Oriental Institute of the CAS and is intended to serve as a platform facilitating and strengthening academic exchanges between Czech and Taiwanese scholars as well as institutions. The Centre is a part of a long-term interdisciplinary research project entitled Power and Strategies of Social and Political Order. Czech research fellows are expected to participate in conferences and hold colloqiums with their Taiwanese colleagues. In cooperation with the Academia Sinica, the Institute plans to organize annual joint workshops and publish their proceedings. It will concomitantly continue building the network of patner institutions and thus create a solid foundation for further scholarly exchanges. In cooperation with Charles University in Prague it will also support doctoral students wishing to conduct research at the Centre. and Táňa Dluhošová.
Výzkumnými infrastrukturami ve střední Evropě v kontextu přípravy programovacího období 2014-2020 a Evropských strukturálních a investičních fondů (European structural and investment funds - ESIF) se 28. listopadu 2013 zabýval kulatý stůl v sídle Akademie věd ČR na Národní třídě v Praze. Záměrem bylo iniciovat diskusi o konkrétních otázkách a problémech souvisejících s mezinárodní dimenzí výzkumných infrastruktur a navrhnout opatření, jež by usnadnila využití potenciálu ESIF pro jejich podporu. and Jan Hrušák ... [et al.].