'There Are No Coloured Butterflies - Even Simple Large Whites Are Rare...' A Selection of Letters between Petr Bezruč and Jan Vrba, Father and Son, from 1913 to 1956.
Since 2011, a unique project studying the effect of artificial canopy opening (Small-size clearings) on biodiversity in lowland forests has been carried out in the Podyjí NP. The response of communities of butterflies, moths, epigeic, floricolous and saproxylic beetles, birds, reptiles, and vascular plants was observed for three years. The results showed a positive effect of early stages in forest succession not only for the majority of groups studied, but also for many threatened species, and also demonstrated the importance of open forest remnants for biodiversity. In protected forests at low and middle elevations, conservation management should attempt to maintain a mosaic of forest at different stages of succession. and Pavel Šebek a kolektiv autorů.
The main objective of the management of woodland in the Podyjí National Park (NP) is to allow natural processes and support biodiversity. How the woodland has changed since designation of the NP is illustrated by changes in selected parameters (tree species composition, proportion of dead wood etc.). Some active measures to support woodland biodiversity are also presented in the paper. and Jaroslav Ponikelský a kolektiv spoluautorů.
Und ein Land vom Gebirge umgeben und über den anderen höher gelegen... Die Vision der Grenzgebirgskette als Schutzwall von Böhmen in der tschechischen Historiographie von Kosmas bis Palacký.
"Vychází společným přispěním a péčí Spolku přátel historie jindřichohradeckých lesů a rybníků, Mysliveckého spolku Komora Člunek a rodiny Wachtelů"--Strana 9
Archäologische Funde aus dem Gebiet der Königgrätzer Wälder. Ein Beitrag zu den Anfängen der Erforschung anthropogener Aktivitäten im Hinterland der Stadt Hradec Králové (Königgrätz).