Diurnal patterns of canopy net photosynthetic rates (jPií), evapotranspiration (£) and
water use efBciency (WŤJE = P^^E) of field grown irrigated wheat (Triticum
aestivum L. cv. WH 147) were studied fi'om tillering to maturity at Haryana
Agricultural University Farm, Hisar, India. Hie maximum photosynthetic rates
(^N, max) increased fi'om tillering to anthesis and declined at a rapid rate thereaňer till
maturity. Relatively high £'mav but low WUE„ax were recorded at tillering, milk ripe
and dough stages of growth. Diumally foUowed die course of photosynthetícaUy
active radiation (PAR) fiom tillering to wateiy ripeness but it declined at high PAR at
latter reproductive stages of growth. E was curvilinearly related to air temperature.
There was a lag of about 2 h between ^N, „lax (12.00 h) and E„,ax (14.00 h) during
the day. WUE was high fi-om 07.30 to 10.00 h, depressed during midday and a
slightly increased fi^om 15.00 to 16.00 h.Diurnal patterns of canopy net photosynthetic rates (jPií), evapotranspiration (£) and water use efBciency (WŤJE = P^^E) of field grown irrigated wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. WH 147) were studied fi'om tillering to maturity at Haryana Agricultural University Farm, Hisar, India. Hie maximum photosynthetic rates (^N, max) increased fi'om tillering to anthesis and declined at a rapid rate thereaňer till maturity. Relatively high £'mav but low WUE„ax were recorded at tillering, milk ripe and dough stages of growth. Diumally foUowed die course of photosynthetícaUy active radiation (PAR) fiom tillering to wateiy ripeness but it declined at high PAR at latter reproductive stages of growth. E was curvilinearly related to air temperature. There was a lag of about 2 h between ^N, „lax (12.00 h) and E„,ax (14.00 h) during the day. WUE was high fi-om 07.30 to 10.00 h, depressed during midday and a slightly increased fi^om 15.00 to 16.00 h.
Diurnal changes of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBPCO) activity and its content were measured to find the mechanism of RuBPCO activity regulation in Norway spruce needles. Both initial and total RuBPCO activities as well as the activation state had a typical pattern with two peaks in the morning and afternoon, respectively, and a midday depression. On the 19 October, RuBPCO content decreased during the day from 3.1 to 1.4 g m-2, while on the 20 October it was approximately constant both in the morning and in the afternoon (2.7 g m-2). Neither initial nor total activity of RuBPCO copied irradiances. Relatively low morning and evening values of total activities indicate that nocturnal inhibitor CA1P is important in Norway spruce. However, the midday depression of total activity indicates that besides CA1P there function some other inhibitors of RuBPCO. In addition, the diminution of RuBPCO content during the day may indicate repression of its gene expression. and M. Hrstka ... [et al.].
The effects of the diurnal variations in ambient temperature on some C3 and C4 enzymes in the Salsola dendroides and Suaeda altissima species of Chenopodiaceae family were studied during the intensive vegetation period. Activities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase (AsAT) were shown to decrease in both species in the afternoon and evening. The activity of the mitochondrial AsAT decreased in S. altissima, remained relatively constant in S. dendroides during the day. The activity of alanine aminotransferase was high in the S. dendroides species in the morning and evening and decreased in the S. altissima species by the evening. Glucose-6-phosphate activated PEPC in both species throughout the day. The study of the redox status-regulated C3 enzymes showed temperature-related increases in NADP-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in both plants, in fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase activity in the S. altissima species, and in NADP-MDH activity in the S. dendroides species in the afternoon., T. Y. Orujova, S. M. Bayramov, U. A. Gurbanova, H. G. Babayev, M. N. Aliyeva, N. M. Guliyev, Y. M. Feyziyev., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Diurnal variation of gas exchange, chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence, and xanthophyll cycle components of three maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids released in different years, i.e. Baimaya (1950s), Zhongdan2 (1970s), and Nongda108 (1990s), were compared. On cloudless days, the newer hybrids always had higher net photosynthetic rate (PN), especially at noon, than the older ones. At noon, all the hybrids decreased their maximal yield of photosystem 2 (PS2) photochemistry (Fv/Fm) and actual quantum yield of PS2 (ΦPS2), the newer ones always showing higher values. Generally, the newer hybrids displayed higher photochemical quenching of Chl (qP) and lower non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). The interhybrid differences in PN may be owing to their differential photochemical efficiency. A midday depression in P N occurred in all hybrids, which might be caused by serious photoinhibition or by decreased stomatal conductance. However, midday depression in PN was more obvious in the older hybrids, especially when leaves were senescent. The higher de-epoxidation state of the xanthophylls was noted in older hybrids, which was confirmed by their larger NPQ. The newer maize hybrids did not need a strong de-epoxidation state since they had a better photosynthetic quantum conversion rate and a lower NPQ. and L. Ding ... [et al.].
We hypothesized that decreased stomatal conductance (gs) at elevated CO2 might decrease transpiration (E), increase leaf water potential (ΨW), and thereby protect net photosynthesis rate (PN) from heat damage in maize (Zea mays L) seedlings. To separate long-term effects of elevated CO2, plants grew at either ambient CO2 or elevated CO2. During high-temperature treatment (HT) at 45°C for 15 min, leaves were exposed either to ambient CO2 (380 μmol mol-1) or to elevated CO2 (560 μmol mol-1). HT reduced PN by 25 to 38% across four CO2 combinations. However, the gs and E did not differ among all CO2 treatments during HT. After returning the leaf temperature to 35°C within 30 min, gs and E were the same or higher than the initial values. Leaf water potential (ΨW) was slightly lower at ambient CO2, but not at elevated CO2. This study highlighted that elevated CO2 failed in protecting PN from 45°C via decreasing gs and ΨW., M. N. Qu, J. A. Bunce, Z. S. Shi., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Membrane-bound bicarbonate is believed by some to act as an essential activator of photosystem 2 (PS2) electron transport. Formáte and other inhibitory monovalent anions act by removing bound-bicarbonate. This belief relies to a great extent on the observation that formáte (100 mM) pretreated thylakoids exhibit a non- proportionality between Hill activity (HAR) and chlorophyll (Chl) concentration when preirradiated with bright radiation in reaction mixture that contains only 5 mM formáte. The non-linearity was attributed to a supposed loosening of residual bicarbonate still present after formáte treatment and which would be more abundant at higher Chl concentrations. In repeating this experiment, we observed an increase in HAR at higher Chl concentrations in preirradiated, but also in non-preirradiated samples, the latter were simply left in the dark for 3 min before measurements were made. Therefore, preirradiation is not needed to restore some HAR in formáte pretreated samples; a 3 min wait in the electrode chamber at low formáte concentration is sufficient to partially relieve the formáte inhibition of PS2 activity. Moreover, HAR in samples preirradiated by weak radiation, or not preirradiated at all, was directly proportional to Chl concentration. We can attribute the increase in activity to a dissociation of bound formáte, not necessarily to the effect of residual bicarbonate. Non-linearity in HAR with Chl concentration was found only in high- irradiance pretreated samples. We can attribute this to a greater amount of photoinhibition occurring in the dilute samples, where the effective irradiance was greater. There is no need to postuláte the existence of residual bound bicarbonate to explain these results.