Changes in the chlorophyll (Chl) and carotenoid (Car) contents and photosynthetic activity of leaves of three-year-old maple trees were studied under an extremely high irradiance (HI) (5 000 and 7 000 pmol m-2 s‘*) and subsequent low irradiance (LI) (10 pmol m-2 s‘*). Speciál attention was paid to a possible linear correlation between zeaxanthin (z) accumulation and the decrease in variable Chl fluorescence (ratio Fy/FnO during photoinhibitory treatment. Hl-induced violaxanthin (v) transformation into z was a fast one-step response proceeding within 2-5 min. Changes in the Chl a and b contents or in non-xanthophyll cycle Car were either not observed (30 min at 5 000 pmol m*2 s‘i) or a slight decline of the Chl a, lutein, 3-carotene and z contents only occurred at prolonged exposure (60 min at 7 000 pmol m'^ s'i)- Photosynthetic activity measured via the ratios (Fy/F^, Fy/F^, Rfj 690, Rfj 735) sank during this treatment to a much higher extent at 7 000 than at 5 000 pmol m'^ s'*. Ratios Fy/F<„ Rfd 690 and Rfj 735 proved to be better indicators of photoinhibition with a larger amplitudě ťhan the ratio Fy/F,„. Unlike literatuře reports, no linear correlation was found between Hl-induced decrease of fluorescence ratios and the z accumulation. Decrease of the fluorescence ratios appears to be biphasic in nátuře: fast initial fall which parallels the z formation is followed by a phase when ratios Fy/F^,, Fy/F^,, Rj^ 690 and Rf^ 735 sink further without any changes in the z pool. Regeneration of photosynthetic activity under LI also proceeded in two steps; a relatively fast increase in ratios with little or no changes in the z pool followed by a slow many hours' restoring of the former fluorescence ratios, paralleled by the z transformation into v. The back-reaction of z to v under LI was increasingly retarded with higher irradiance. Z formation and decrease in the fluorescence ratios are thus probably two Hl-induced processes which may be mutually independent.
Changes in the content of pigments and rate of photosynthesis in Azolla microphylla Kaulf. fronds were measured during growth under solar and ultraviolet-C (UV-C) supplemented solar radiation. Maximum content of total chlorophyll (Chl) was observed on the 13th day (termination of the experiment) of treatment in both control and treated plants. The treated plants had significantly lower total Chl and carotenoid contents than the control plants during the 1st day of growth. After the 4th day of exposure to UV-C supplemented solar radiation, the Chl and carotenoids accumulation increased in treated plants, so that the pigment concentration in the treated fronds was nearer to the control values after the 13th day of treatment. Significant increase in UV absorbing pigments, anthocyanins, and flavonoids was observed at the 13th day of treatment. In spite of the roughly similar photosynthetic pigment concentration, the photosynthetic activity measured as the rate of electron transport at photosystem 2 was only 65 % of the control values after 13 d of UV-C exposure. and M. Jayakumar ... [et al.].
The effects of phosphate concentration on plant growth and photosynthetic performance were examined in leaves of Zizania latifolia. Plants were grown for four weeks in a solution containing 0, 0.16, 0.64, and 2.56 mM orthophosphate. The results showed that the highest net photosynthetic rate (P N) was achieved at 0.64 mM orthophosphate, which corresponded to the maximum content of organic phosphorus in leaves. Low phosphorus (low-P) content in the culture solution inhibited plant growth, affecting plant height, leaf length, leaf number, tiller number, and fresh mass of leaf, sheath, culm, root, and total plant. In addition, we observed that low-P (0.16 mM) did not hinder the growth of roots but increased the root:shoot ratio, and significantly decreased the chlorophyll content, P N, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate, but increased the intercellular CO2 concentration. Additionally, low-P significantly decreased the maximum carboxylation rate of Rubisco, the maximum rate of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate regeneration, the effective quantum yield of PSII photochemistry, photochemical quenching coefficient, and electron transport rate, but increased the nonphotochemical quenching. However, the maximal quantum yield of PSII photochemistry was not significantly affected by low-P. High phosphorus (2.56 mM) caused only a slight decrease in gas-exchange parameters. Therefore, the decrease in growth of P-deficient Z. latifolia plants could be attributed to the lowered photosynthetic rate., N. Yan, Y.-L. Zhang, H.-M. Xue, X.-H. Zhang, Z.-D. Wang, L.-Y. Shi, D.-P. Guo., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Aiming at understanding the odd case of CAM expression by a C4 plant, some properties of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC, EC, orthophosphate: oxaloacetate carboxylyase, phosphorylating) were comparatively studied in leaves of CAM-expressing and non-expressing Portulaca oleracea L. plants. CAM expression was induced by growing plants under an 8-h photoperiod and under water-stress. CAM induction in leaves of these plants (designated as CAM) is indicated by the nocturnal acidification and by the clear diurnal oscillation pattern and amplitude of acidity, malic acid, and PEPC activity characteristic of CAM plants. Treatment of the other plant group (designated as C4) by growth under a 16-h photoperiod and well-watered conditions did not induce expression of the tested criteria of CAM in plants. In these C4 plants, the mentioned CAM criteria were undetectable. PEPC from CAM and C4Portulaca responded differently to any of the studied assay conditions or effectors. For example, extent and timing of sensitivity of PEPC to pH change, inhibition by malate, activation by glucose-6-phosphate or inorganic phosphate, and the enzyme affinity to the substrate PEP were reversed with induction of CAM from the C4-P. oleracea. These contrasting responses indicate distinct kinetic and regulatory properties of PEPC of the two modes. Thus by shifting to CAM in the C4Portulaca a new PEPC isoform may be synthesised to meet CAM requirements. Simultaneous occurrence of both C4 and CAM is suggested in P. oleracea when challenged with growth under stress.
Direct effects and after-effects of soil drought for 7 and 14 d were examined on seedling dry matter, leaf water potential (ψ), leaf injury index (LI), and chlorophyll (Chl) content of drought (D) resistant and sensitive triticale and maize genotypes. D caused higher decrease in number of developed leaves and dry matter of shoots and roots in the sensitive genotypes than in the resistant ones. Soil D caused lower decrease of ψ in the triticale than maize leaves. Influence of D on the Chl b content was considerably lower than on the Chl a content. In triticale the most harmful D impact was observed for physiologically younger leaves, in maize for the older ones. A period of 7-d-long recovery was too short for a complete removal of an adverse influence of D. and M. T. Grzesiak ... [et al.].
CO2 (40, 200, 400 loM) was added to the root systém of 10-d-old pea plants (Pisum sativum L. cv. Ran). The Co2'''-excess caused a reduction in the plant fresh and diy masses and water and chlorophyll contents. The rates of photosynthesis and transpiration decreased, while proline content and stomata resistance increased. The dramatic effect of Co2+-toxicity was expressed both in an inhibition of ribulose 1,5- bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase activity and a stimulation of RuBP-oxygenase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activities on the 4‘h day of cnltivation of plants in a solution of 400 pM C6^*.
Measurements of Sorbus stomata size and density, maximal photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm),
variable-to-initial fluorescence ratio (Fv/F0) and potential electron acceptor capacity (‘area’) were performed during leaf development in four parental diploid species, S. aria, S. aucuparia, S. chamaemespilus, S. torminalis, and two hybrid species, S. hazslinszkyana and S. intermedia. In fully expanded mature leaves, stomata lengths and densities were significantly larger in the shrub S. chamaemespilus than in the five tree species. The best performance of both the Fv/Fm and the Fv/F0 ratio was recorded in S. intermedia, whereas S. chamaemespilus had the highest value of ‘area’. From a physiological point of view, the results of this study showed that the photosystem II reaction centers remained intact functionally through all phenological stages of leaf expansion for all examined species of Sorbus., I. Čaňová ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants were grown in nutríent solutíon containing concentrations of Cu vaiying from deficiency to toxicity [0.002-6.25 g(Cu) m"^]. Shoot contents of Cu, Mn and Fe were measured as well as the concentrations of plastocyanin (PC), plastoquinone (PQ) and cytochromes (cyt) f, 6553, 6-559up, and b- 559hp. While Cu concentration increased wilh increasing levels of metal in the solutíon, Mn and Fe concentrations progressively decreased after Cu treatments higher than 0.05 g m‘3. On a chlorophyll basis, the contents of PC and cyt/decreased after the 0.01 g(Cu) m'^ Cu treatonent, while the contents of cyt f>-559Lp and b- 559hp did not show any apparent conelatíon, and the PQ concentration sharply increased with increasing Cu toxicity. Membrane permeability and acid RNAse activity were enhanced with increasing Cu concentration.
Fluorescence excitation spectra of different protochlorophyll(ide) (PChlide) a forms in intact etiolated cucumber cotyledons showed a pronounced increase in intensity of the 390 nm band in comparison with spectra of the pigment in Solutions. The native PChlide F657 also had an additional band at 360 nm in its excitation spectra, which disappeared after leaf homogenization and was restored by addition of dithionite. The restoration correlated with changes around 340 nm in the excitation spectrum of blue-green fluorescence. In consideration of this fact, the 360 nm band seems to correspond to energy transfer from NADPH to PChlide a. After the onset of irradiation a new band appeared at 380 nm in the excitation spectrum of the main pigment fluorescence, which was very similar to that found in the absorption spectinm of isolated Chl a. Moreover, in the Soret region the excitation spectrum had a double band splitting which disappeared only after the Shibata shift, simultaneously with the disappearance of the 360 nm band. Besides the well-known PChl(ide) F633, F642, and F657 forms, etiolated cucumber cotyledons háve emission at 673 nm. Its excitation spectrum was hardly distinguishable from the PChlide F657 fluorescence excitation spectrum in etiolated samples. In the irradiated plants this band had excitation spectrum of monomeric Chl a. The intensity of band at 673 run decreased and transiently increased after PChlide photoconversion. The dynamics of these fluorescence intensity changes under inadiation showed positive correlation both with PChlide F657 and with PChl(ide) F642, indicating the short wavelength Chl a preexistence in etiolated plants and its additional formation after the onset of irradiation.
Non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence (qN) and its three components (qNf, qNm, and qNs) in the flag leaves of wheat grown in the field were studied by a fluorometer PAM-2000 on clear days. The diurnal variation patterns of qN in just fully extended (JFEL) and aging leaves (AL) were similar, but qNm declined markedly in JFEL while it remained at a relatively high level in AL under strong sunlight at noon. Furthermore, at midday qNf was higher than qNs in JFEL, but much lower in AL. The results show the relative contributions of different mechanisms in preventing the photosynthetic apparatus from photodamage change during leaf development. and S.-S. Hong ... [et al.].