"Let us pray in contemplation, while we sing this lamentation..." The role and the meaning of the paschal service in the spirituality of Saint Vincent a Paulo congregation of the mission.
Obsahuje seznam knih darovaných v letech 1658-1661 členy Jednoty bratrské gymnáziu v Břehu and "Hic liber Ducali Bibliothecae offerebatur a Fratribus Moravis..." - die Brieger Episode in der Geschichte der Brüderunion nach dem Brand von Leszno (Lissa).
"Man Gott hinweg nihmt wenn man seine Bildnüsse hinweg nihmt." Johannes Scheffler (Angelus Silesius) als polemischer Theologe und seine Verteidigung der religiösen Bilder.
Adam Chmara, the last provincial governor of Minsk, and king Stanisław August Poniatowski. The foundations, strength and break-offs of alliances and political friendship in the time of the last king of Poland.
Adaptation of palace architecture in the Kingdom of Bohemia at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. The use of ellipsoidal motifs in residential architecture (as exemplified by the Šternberk palace in Hradčany).