"Ohne Havránek lief gar nichts." Die Nachkriegsbeziehungen des Lehrstuhls für tschechische Sprache der Prager Philosophischen Fakultät und des Instituts für tschechische Sprache an der Akademie der Wissenschaften.
The Donation of Stará Boleslav chapter includes statement on duties of several Moravian, i.e. geographically distant subjects, which had to pay to the chapter ‘marchae’ and ‘boves’. The Latin word ‘boves’ (sg. ‘bos’) has been traditionally translated as ‘cattle’. However, this interpretation is not consistent with archeozoological data. It is argued, that ‘bos’was a literal translation of Czech word ‘skot’, which meant both (domestic) cattle and a kind of currency in the Middle Ages. Moravian subjects thus probably paid to the Stará Boleslav chapter taxes in money, not in cattle.