Text preprocess (this preprocess service requires that the input text be in plain text format (file .txt) and UTF-8).
Basically, it carries out: (i) text segmentation into minor structural units (titles, paragraphs, sentences, etc.); (ii) detection of entities not found in dictionaries (numbers, abbreviations, URLs, emails, proper nouns, etc.); and (iii) the keeping of sequences of two or more words in a single block (dates, phrases, proper nouns, etc.).
POS tagger. (The input file must be in plain text format (file.txt) and UTF-8 encoded. The disambiguation process is done by a TreeTagger instance trained by the IULA.)
A tool for statistical corpus exploitation. It offers concordances, counts ngrams, extracts collocations and gives association, distribution and similarity measures.
A tool for contrasting terminological vocabularies and textual corpora. It allows controlling the presence and location of reference vocabularies in textual corpora.