Search Results
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Třikrát svatba / Dreimal Hochzeit
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 1/4 3., 1/2 5., 3/4 7., 9. hodin. and 14.15, 16.30, 18.45, 21. So. auch 10 Uhr.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Faun, Der and Naturaufnahme
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- Heute (Silvesterabend) beginnen die Vorstellungen um 1/2 5, 6, 1/2 8, 9 und die lezte Vorstellung ausnahmsweise noch um 10 Uhr.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Radiový sňatek / Radio - Hochzeit
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Fialkový kavalír / Veilchenfresser, Der
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- Prodlouženo. and Vorstellungsbeginn: 1/2 5, 6, 1/2 8 und 9 Uhr.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- U bílého koníčka / Im weissen Rössl; Im weißen Hößt; Weisses Rössl
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Moje dcera to nedělá / Meine Tochter tut das nicht
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 1/2 3., 1/2 5., 1/2 7., 1/2 9. hod. and Täglich: 14:30, 16:30, 18:30, 20:30. Sonntags: 10 Uhr vormittags.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Type:
- programme
- Subject:
- Muž od plynu / Gasmann, Der
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Description:
- 15.30, 18, 20.30, ve svátek a v neděli též v 10 h. dopoledne. and 15.30, 18, 20.30, So. u. Fe. auch 10.
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Creator:
- Hirdt, Heinrich, Goldschmied, Alexandr, Rafael, Bohuslav, Mariotti, Karl, Schlegl, Pavel, and Kohler, Franz
- Publisher:
- Obchod filmy a Elite kino Josef a Marie Danielovsky a spol., Hirdt, Heinrich, Goldschmied, Alexandr, Rafael, Bohuslav, Mariotti, Karl, Schlegl, Pavel, and Kohler, Franz
- Type:
- cinema
- Language:
- Czech and German
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Format:
- audiovisual material
- Type:
- movie
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0
- Format:
- audiovisual material
- Type:
- movie
- Rights:
- Creative Commons BY 4.0