Hlavným cieľom výskumnej štúdie bolo preskúmanie vzťahov medzi nerozhodnosťou, akademickou prokrastináciou a úzkosťou. Výskumu sa zúčastnilo 296 vysokoškolských študentov (M=21,06; SD=1,52). Údaje boli získané pomocou slovenskej verzie Škály nerozhodnosti, Layovej škály prokrastinácie pre študentov a Beckovho dotazníka úzkosti. Bol potvrdený stredne silný signifikantný vzťah medzi nerozhodnosťou a úzkosťou a silný signifikantný vzťah medzi nerozhodnosťou a akademickou prokrastináciou. Medzi akademickou prokrastináciou a úzkosťou bol zistený signifikantný, ale veľmi slabý vzťah. Na varianciu prokrastinácie pôsobí najmä nerozhodnosť, relatívny vplyv úzkosti je slabší. Nerozhodnosť je predikovaná v porovnateľnej miere prokrastináciou, ako i úzkosťou. Neboli preukázané štatisticky významné rodové rozdiely v miere nerozhodnosti a akademickej prokrastinácie. and The main aim of the research study was to explore the relationships between indecisiveness, academic procrastination and anxiety. The research sample consisted of 296 university students (mean age=21,06; SD=1,52), who completed the Slovak adaptations of the Indecisiveness Scale, the Lay's Procrastination Scale for Students and the Beck Anxiety Inventory. A significant moderate correlation was found between indecisiveness and anxiety, as well as a significant strong correlation between indecisiveness and academic procrastination. A significant but very weak relationship was found between academic procrastination and anxiety. Indecisiveness explained more variance in academic procrastination than anxiety. Indecisiveness was predicted by procrastination and anxiety to a similar degree. No gender differences were detected in the levels of indecisiveness or academic procrastination.
V tomto článku je formou teoretického prehľadu i výskumne analyzovaný vzájomný vzťah medzi zdravou komunikáciou, sebaúctou a vybranými osobnostnými črtami partnerov v manželských pároch. V teoretickej časti sme uvedené konštrukty definovali a poukázali na ich vzájomné vzťahy. Výskumu sa zúčastnilo 60 manželských párov (t. j. 120 respondentov) vo veku od 22 do 80 rokov. Testovacia metóda pozostávala z nami zostavených dotazníkov na mapovanie zdravej komunikácie a sebaúcty, ďalej z Rosenbergovej škály sebahodnotenia, sémantického diferenciálu a osobnostného dotazníka NEO-FFI. Cieľom nášho výskumu bolo zistiť špecifiká v používaní prvkov zdravej komunikácie v manželských pároch a hľadať ich vzájomné súvislosti s osobnostným profilom partnerov, ich sebaúctou, vnímaním seba samého, vnímaním partnera, s kvalitou komunikácie a tiež s vekom. V manželských pároch sa potvrdil signifikantne pozitívny vzťah medzi kvalitou komunikácie a úrovňou sebaúcty, prívetivosťou a svedomitosťou. Signifikantný vzťah bol zistený aj medzi osobnostnými črtami (neuroticizmus, extraverzia, svedomitosť) a sebaúctou. Potvrdil sa aj vzťah medzi manželmi vo vnímaní seba, partnera a kvality komunikácie. and The article, in both theoretical and research approach, analyses reciprocal relationships among effective communication, self-esteem and specific personality factors of spouses in married couples. In the theoretical part, we defined this three constructs and referred to their reciprocal relationships. There were 60 married couples (i.e. 120 respondents) between 22 to 80 years that took part in our research. Testing methods consisted of questionnaires for effective communication and self-esteem made by us, Rosenberg self-esteem scale, semantic differential scale and personal questionnaire NEO-FFI. The goal of our research was to find out specifics of using elements of effective communication in married couples; and also to enquire after their connections with personal profiles of spouses, their self-esteem, self-perception, perception of a spouse, quality of communication, and age. A significantly positive relation between effective communication and Self-esteem, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness in married couples was confirmed. The significant relationship was found between personal factors (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Conscientiousness) and Self-esteem. A relation between spouses in the perception of self, a spouse and quality of communication was also confirmed.
The article deals with relation identification of cutting time and morphology of tooled surface, expressed by surface roughness profile parameters - average roughness and creation of mathematical - statistical model of the investigated dependence.
Príspevok sa zaoberá analýzou ţivotnej spokojnosti adolescentov v kontexte rodiny a rodinného prostredia. Výskum sme uskutočnili na vzorke 420 adolescentov vo veku od 16-18 rokov. Ţivotnú spokojnosť adolescentov sme merali Dotazníkom ţivotnej spokojnosti. Údaje o rodine a rodinnom prostredí sme zisťovali úvodným anamnestickým dotazníkom. V našom výskumnom súbore adolescentov sme zistili, ţe mladí ľudia ţijúci len s mamou sú významne spokojnejší ako mladí ľudia ţijúci s oboma rodičmi. Rovnako adolescenti, ktorí udávali len zriedkavý výskyt konfliktov v rodine, dosahovali najvyššiu ţivotnú spokojnosť. and The article deals with the analysis of adolescents’ life satisfaction in the context of family and family environment. The research was made on a sample of 420 young people aged between 16-18 years. To measure life satisfaction we used Life satisfaction questionnaire. Data concerning family and family environment were gained using anamnesis questionnaire. We found out that adolescents who live with a single mother are significantly more satisfied than adolescents who live with both parents. Among the most satisfied with their life were also those young people who said that there are no arguments or conflicts in their family.
Leaf canopy plays a determining role influencing source-sink relations as any change in source activity (photosynthesis) affects sink metabolism. Defoliation (removal of leaves) influences growth and photosynthetic capacity of plants, remobilizes carbon and nitrogen reserves and accelerates sink metabolism, leading to improved source-sink relations. The response of plants to defoliation could be used to manipulate source-sink relations by removing lower and senescing leaves to obtain greatest photosynthetic capacity and efficient carbon and nitrogen metabolism under optimal and stressful environments. The present work enhances our current understanding on the physiological responses of plants to defoliation and elaborates how defoliation influences growth, photosynthetic capacity and source-sink relations under optimal and changing environmental conditions., N. Iqbal, A. Masood, and N. A. Khan., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Leaf anatomy and eco-physiology of Elymus repens, a temperate loess grassland species, were determined after seven years of exposure to 700 μmol (CO2) mol-1 (EC). EC treatment resulted in significant reduction of stomatal density on both surfaces of couch-grass leaves. Thickness of leaves and that of the sclerenchyma tissues between the vessels and the adaxial surfaces, the area of vascular bundle, and the volumes of phloem and tracheary increased at EC while abaxial epidermis and the sclerenchyma layer between the vessel and the abaxial surface were thicker at ambient CO2 concentration (AC). Stomatal conductance and transpiration rates were lower in EC, while net CO2 assimilation rate considerably increased at EC exposure. Contents of soluble sugars and starch were higher in EC-treated couch-grass leaves than in plants grown at AC. and A. I. Engloner ... [et al.].
Podle tradice přenesl geometrii do Řecka Thalés z Mílétu. Ačkoli v diskusích o povaze Thalétovy geometrie nepanuje konsensus, zdá se, že zformulované teorémy byly až dodatečně uplatněny na jeho konkrétní měření. Již o Thalétově „žákovi a nástupci“, Anaximandrovi z Mílétu, však nemáme žádné zprávy, které by se týkaly geometrie. Výjimku představuje lexikon Súda, který uvádí, že Anaximandros „vůbec ukázal základy geometrie“. Lexikon zároveň vyjmenovává momenty, v nichž může být užití geometrie spatřeno. V prvé řadě se jedná o gnómón, s jehož pomocí mohla být realizována řada měření. Zřejmé znaky uplatnění geometrie vykazuje též celá Anaximandrova koncepce kosmologie: tvar Země a její umístění ve středu univerza, i samotný popis nebeských těles. Podobně lze uplatnění geometrie spatřovat za mapou světa a sférou. Ačkoli tedy Anaximandros není explicitně s geometrií spojován, dochované texty ukazují, že její poznatky významně využil, když propojil konkrétní pozorování s geometrickým uspořádáním celého univerza., According to tradition Thales brought geometry to Greece from Miletus. Although discussion of the nature of Thales’ geometry has not arrived at a consensus, it seems that the theorems formulated were retrospectively applied in his concrete measurements. So far, however, we have no information about the geometry of Thales’ pupil and successor, Anaximander of Miletus. An exception is presented in the lexicon Suda which claims that Anaximander “in general showed the basics of geometry”. This lexicon at the same time states the points at which the employment of the geometry can be discerned. Most importantly, we have the question of the gnomon, with the help of which an order of measurement is realisable. Clear signs of the application of geometry are likewise shown by Anaximander’s whole conception of cosmology: the shape of the earth and its position at the centre of the universe, and the very description of the heavenly bodies. In addition one can discern geometry involved in the map of the world and the sphere. Thus, although Anaximander is not explicitly connected with geometry, extant texts demonstrate that he significantly exploited geometrical knowledge when he connected concrete observation with the geometrical organisation of the universe as a whole., and Radim Kočandrle.