Národní knihovna ČR Praha CZ 46 C 186 adl. 11, Klášter Rytířského řádu křižovníků s červenou hvězdou - knihovna Praha CZ XVIII K 5 adl. 15, Knihovna Akademie věd ČR Praha CZ TF 347 adl. 35, Královská kanonie premonstrátů na Strahově - Strahovská knihovna Praha CZ BU II 110 adl. 44, Metropolitní kapitula u sv. Víta v Praze Praha CZ F. b. 85 adl. 9, and BCBT41350
Description: This xml file is a lexicon containing all 21952 (28x28x28) Arabic triliteral combinations (roots). the file is split into three parts as follow: the first part contains the phonetic constraints that must be taken into account in the formation of Arabic roots (for more details see all_phonetic_rules.xml in http://arabic.emi.ac.ma/alelm/?q=Resources). the second part contains the lexicons that were used to create this lexicon (see in lexicons tag). the third part contains the roots.
ISLRN: 813-907-570-946-2
This improved version is an extension of the original Arabic Wordnet (http://globalwordnet.org/arabic-wordnet/awn-browser/), it was enriched by new verbs, nouns including the broken plurals that is a specific form for Arabic words.