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34172. Vzpomínky na začátky časopisu JMO před padesáti lety
- Creator:
- Slavkovský, Ladislav
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
34173. Vzpomínky staré děvky: Kšéméndra
- Creator:
- Miltner, Vladimír
- Format:
- Type:
- model:internalpart and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
34174. Vzpomínky z cest českých globetrottrů
- Creator:
- Brožíková, Liberty
- Format:
- Type:
- model:internalpart and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
34175. Vzpomínky z minulých životů
- Creator:
- Marková, Dagmar
- Format:
- Type:
- model:internalpart and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
34176. Vztah atopického ekzému a pozornosti
- Creator:
- Hricová, Alena, Ondrášek, Stanislav, and Hric, Matyáš
- Format:
- počítač and online zdroj
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- atopický ekzém, pozornost, ADHD, ADD, atopic eczema, and attention
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Cílem přehledové studie je popsat vztah dvou proměnných – atopického ekzému a pozornosti. Nejprve je důležité vymezit dva související pojmy, které je důležité nezaměňovat, a to ADHD a ADD. Obě tyto poruchy pozornosti jsou dědičné neurovývojové poruchy. ADD se vyznačuje ztrátou soustředění, roztržitostí a emoční přecitlivělostí. ADHD je porucha pozornosti s hyperaktivitou. Vyznačuje se nepozornosti, hyperaktivitou a impulzivitou. Na základě výsledků dostupných studií, které se tímto vztahem zaobírají, je čtenáři představena daná tématika a shrnuty dosavadní poznatky. Pro přehledovou studii bylo pracováno se zdroji z dostupných vědeckých databází: PubMed, PsycInfo, Scopus a Web of Science. Pro vyhledávání byla zadána klíčová slova: atopic eczema, ADHD, ADD, attention, relationship. Dalším zvoleným kritériem pro vyhledávání bylo sledované období, které jsme stanovili bez určení, důvodem pro toto rozhodnutí bylo, že se jedná o specifickou problematiku. Studie byly vybrány na základě relevantnosti ke stanovenému cíli. Celkem se jednalo o 10 analyzovaných studií. Výsledky analyzovaných studií ukazují, že u osob s diagnostikovaným atopickým ekzémem existuje riziko poruchy pozornosti. Zároveň však nebyl prokázán přímý kauzální vztah mezi těmito proměnnými, který by v případě prokázání mohl vést ke stanovení preventivních, ale i léčebných plánů., PROBLEM: Atopic eczema is linked with several other psychosomatic diseases and disorders like sleeping disorders or low quality, chronic itching, etc. First, it is important to define two related terms that are important not to confuse, namely ADHD and ADD. Both of these attention disorders are inherited neurodevelopmental disorders. ADD is characterized by loss of concentration, distraction, and emotional hypersensitivity. ADHD is an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. The survey study aims at describing the relation of two variables – atopic eczema and attention. Based on the results of the available studies dealing with the said relation, the topic will be presented to the reader and the existing pieces of knowledge will be summarized. METHODS: The study worked with sources from available scientific databases: PubMed, PsycInfo, Scopus and Web of Science. The following key words were entered for search: atopic eczema, ADHD, ADD, attention, relation. Another criterion selected for search was the period of observation, which we set without determination; that decision was based on the fact that the topic in question is specific. The studies were selected based on their relevance for the goal set. 10 studies were analyzed in total. RESULTS: The analysis results show that studies dealing with the issue of the effect of atopic eczema can be divided into two groups. The first group consists of studies which state, based on research, that persons with diagnosed atopic eczema are endangered by attention disorders. While comparing them with healthy population, i.e., with persons without atopic eczema, it was found that persons with atopic eczema have higher proportional chance of attention disorders, and other health problems linked with the said disease, like low quality of sleep, anxieties, depressions or behaviour disorders were registered as well. The studies under analysis also mention a risk period that may be essential for the development of attention disorder. The other group consists of studies which did not demonstrate a direct causal relation between attention eczema and attention disorders, which, if demonstrated, could lead to setting of preventive and therapeutic plans. The results of some of these studies show the coexistence of atopic eczema and ADHD, but the authors state that both disorders may not have causal relation and that they may be influenced by other factors; they recommend other studies which could clarify the prevalence of ADHD in persons with atopic eczema., and DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In conclusion, it can be stated that there is a higher risk of attention disorder, ADHD, in individuals with atopic eczema. However, as studies show, a causal relation between the two variables in question has not been found yet. The results have also shown that this issue is still little explored, in spite of the fact that a number of studies had a large research set. Therefore, further extensive interdisciplinary studies are needed, in order to prove or disprove their mutual causal relation. In case of proving the causal relation, it is further recommended to proceed to determine preventive and therapeutic strategies for attention disorders caused by atopic eczema, in order to positively influence the resulting quality of life of the individuals with the said disorder type.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
34177. Vzťah lekára a pacienta: Niekoľko úvah nad právnou úpravou dohody o poskytovaní zdravotnej starostlivosti
- Creator:
- Zoláková, Zuzana
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- dohoda o poskytovani zdravotnej starostlivosti, vzťah lekára a pacienta, and zmluvný model
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Autorka sa v článku zaoberá vzťahom lekára a pacienta a jeho právnou úpravou v právnom poriadku Slovenskej republiky. V úvode približuje niektoré argumenty v prospech súkromnoprávneho chápania tohto vzťahu a upozorňuje na jeho špecifiká. Ďalej analyzuje právnu úpravu dohody o poskytovaní zdravotnej starostlivosti v zákone o zdravotnej starostlivosti (vznik právneho vzťahu, doba trvania právneho vzťahu a zánik právneho vzťahu) so zdôraznením výhod aplikácie zmluvného vzťahu medzi lekárom a pacientom v praxi. and Author in this article deals with the problem of relationship between physician and patient and its regulation in legislation of the Slovak Republic. First she introduces some arguments for the private definition of the physician – patient relationship and underlines its specialities. Further she analyzes the regulation of health care services contract in the Healthcare and healthcare-related services Act (the creation of the legal relationship, the duration of the legal relationship and the termination of legal relationship) with the empasis on the benefits of contractual model in the medical practice.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
34178. Vztah lékaře a pacienta z pohledu soukromého práva
- Creator:
- Doležal, Adam
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The aim of this review is to summarize main aspects of the book “Vztah lékaře a pacienta z pohledu soukromého práva“ written by Tomáš Doležal, published in 2012 in Prague. As the title suggests the book itself is focused on analysis of relationship between physician and patient from legal point of view. This review has the aim to show the most interesting parts of the book and present short evaluation of the book by the author of the review.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
34179. Vztah mezi styly zvládání, přesvědčením o vlasním vlivu a problémy dospívajících
- Creator:
- Hanžlová, Martina and Macek, Petr
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- adolescence, coping, přesvědčení o vlastním vlivu, problémy dospívajících, locus of control, and problems of adolescents
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Studie ukazuje souvislosti mezi frekvencí různých stylů zvládání (aktivní, znevážení, bezradnost), percipovanou četností každodenních problémů adolescentů a jejich přesvědčením o vlastním vlivu. Tyto vztahy byly zjišťovány zvlášť v několika sociálních kontextech (škola, rodiče, problémy se sebou samým, vrstevníci, opačné pohlaví, volný čas, volba povolání, představy o budoucnosti). Výzkumný soubor tvořilo celkem 563 respondentů (průměrný věk 15,6 let) z různých středních škol. Výsledky ukázaly významný vztah mezi bezradností (pasivní coping) a nízkou percepcí vlivu, a to zejména pro problémy ve škole, s rodiči, s vrstevníky a pro oblast volby povolání. Aktivní přístup k řešení problémů a strategie znevažování problémové situace nesouvisí s přesvědčením o vlastním vlivu. Na druhou stranu, používání pasivních strategií a v některých sociálních kontextech (škola, vztahy s opačným pohlavím, volba povolání, představy o budoucnosti) i frekvence aktivního copingu souvisí s četností problémů. and The study is focused on relationships among frequencies of three coping styles (active, discounting, helplessness), perceived frequency of daily hassles, and perceived control beliefs. These relationships were analyzed separately for specific social context (school, parents, self, peer context, opposite sex, leisure time, future career, future expectations). A sample of 563 respondents (average age 15,6 years old) included students of different high schools. As results revealed, the significant relationships between the passive coping strategy (helplessness) and a low level of perceived control beliefs were found in regard to school problems, problems with parents, problems with peers, and to problems regarding future career. The active coping and the coping strategy of discounting were not related to perceived control beliefs. On the other hand, the strategy of helplessness as well as a using of the active coping (in regard to school problems, problems with the opposite sex, problems regarding future career and future expectations) were related to the frequency of perceived daily hassles.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
34180. Vztah pracovního a soukromého života v perspektivě mezinárodního srovnání
- Creator:
- Volhlídalová, Marta
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- work-life balance, family policy, and international comparison
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The paper deals with the relationship between working and private, family and partnership life in the contemporary Czech society. It is based on the main findings from the representative sample survey ''Connections between the changes in the labour market and forms of private, family, and partnership life in the Czech society'' conducted in the 2005. The aim of this paper is to put these findings into an international context. The comparison of selected European countries is done from the point of the level of conflict experienced between working and private life. These findings are also connected to the family policies and the labour market arrangements in particular countries. The international comparison is based on data from the second round of European Social Survey conducted 2004/2005. The findings indicated that the Czech Republic (along with Great Britain, Spain, Poland and Slovakia) counted among the countries with relatively higher level of experienced work-family/private life conflicts, unlike the Scandinavia and some particular West European countries (Germany, France and Belgium).
- Rights:
- and policy:public