V Evropě žijí dva druhy lesáků rodu Cucujus. Lesák rumělkový (C. cinnaberinus) je zařazen do směrnice 92/43 EHS jako evropsky významný druh. Poznatků o jeho bionomii bylo ještě nedávno málo, až v souvislosti se soustavou Natura 2000 se mu věnuje odborná pozornost. Autor přibližuje historické i současné rozšíření v Evropě i České republice a nové poznatky z ekologie tohoto saproxylického brouka. and In Europe two flat bark beetle species occur. As a species of European importance, Cucujus cinnaberinus is protected under the European Community’s Directive 92/43/EEC, also known as the Habitats Directive. Until recently, there had only been little knowledge of its bionomics. Nevertheless, in relation to establishing the European Community’s Natura 2000 network, special attention has been paid to the invertebrates. The author presents the species’ past and present distribution in Europe and in the Czech Republic, as well as new information on the saproxylic beetle’s ecology.
Marian devotion has represented until today crucial aspect of Christian, especially Catholic, spirituality. Its extraordinary flourishing took plače in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, when Pietas Mariana became an imprescindible component of Baroque religiousness. The vigour of Baroque Marian devotion brought about not only the veneration of statues and pictures, but also the reintroduction of pilgrimages and the building of Marian pilgrimage sites throughout the land. One of the most influential Catholic orders that contributed in an important degree to development and spreading of Marian devotion was the Society of Jesus. Aside of their educational and pastora! activities, the Jesuits served as custodians of important Marian pilgrimage sites, as was also the case of the residence in Golčův Jeníkov, where they remained in the years 1657-1773. Throughout this time, they constructed Marian pilgrimage site of regional importance where religious brotherhood had been established and where Loretan devotion had been spread. The everyday life of the residence brought about many activities, among them the organization of festivals along the lines of Baroque ostentatiousness and regular radius of pilgrimages.