Studie Ludmily Šmídové je věnována Klavírnímu triu B dur, op. 21 (B 51), od hudebního skladatele Antonína Dvořáka. Skladba vznikla na jaře 1875, ovšem později byla revidována. Autorka se na základě pramenů zaměřuje právě na tyto skaldatelské úpravy a zkoumá původní podobu tohoto tria., The present study deals with a heretofore unresearched early version of Dvořák’s Trio in B Flat Major, Op. 21. It is based on both the investigation of new sources and the study of correspondence and the period press. It focuses on the circumstances of the work’s composition and its reception in its early version. It introduces sources of the early version, which have previously escaped the attention of scholars, and it compares the early version to the work’s definitive form, as it is known from the first printed edition of 1880., Ludmila Šmídová., Rubrika: Studie, and Anglické resumé na s. 167, anglický abstrakt na s. 143.
This treatise traces the history of two, already extinct, brickworks in the municipality of Strachotín (District of Břeclav), based on an analysis of archival materials. The first brickworks observed is a municipal brickworks built at the end of the eighteenth century and located on the north-eastern edge of the cadastral area, in close proximity to the village of Popice. The other brickworks was closer to the village, and it was owned by the village mayor Andreas Riess. Both brickworks ceased to exist in the mid-nineteenth century. The text also speaks about the finding of bricks bearing duty stamps and their documentation. Attention is paid to bricks that were marked with the letters T (Tracht – Strachotín) and GT (Gemeinde Tracht). The thesis is concluded by suggesting a hypothetical form of the brick production equipment based on a comparison with already excavated brickworks from the period under study.
Vznik pražské zoologické zahrady (jejíž 80. výročí jsme si připomněli 28. září 2011) je právem spojován především se jménem středoškolského profesora Jiřího Jandy. O úloze tohoto prvního ředitele pražské zoo je již hodně známo i napsáno. Bez jeho dlouholeté usilovné práce a později i každodenní přítomnosti na staveništi by se Praha v r. 1931 jistě zoologické zahrady nedočkala. Není však možné opomenout snahy dalších významných mužů, kteří o založení zoologické zahrady v Praze usilovali, a to nejen ve 20., ale i dříve v 19. století. and On September 28th Prague Zoo celebrated its 80th anniversary. Even in the mid-19th century, famous personages from the Czech arts and sciences were investing great efforts to found a zoo. Two of the projects only survived as blueprints. The closest to being realised was planned in years 1906–10 for Štvanice Island in the city centre. Due to disputes and the start of the First World War, the opening of Prague Zoo was postponed for over a decade. It was finally located in the Troja district of Prague and opened in 1931.
Anthropochorous mammals - sometimes confusing, sometimes beneficial. Humans have kept and transported mammals for a variety of reasons for thousands of years (reviewed e.g. by Long 2003, Wilson & Reeder 2005). All transfers have often rapidly change the original distribution of transfered mammals and in the extreme cases, we do not know the orifinal distribution/habitat of some transfered species (e.g. Rusa timorensis, Elaphurus davidianus, Babyrousa babyrussa). The most introductions were harmful, but some have been beneficial from the conservation point of view, because several introduced mammals became extinct or lost significant portion of their genetic variability in native ranges. Some survival mammals outside of the former ranges (e.g. Macropus parma, Acomys minous, Dama dama on Cyprus, elephant on Borneo as introduced Jawan elephant) have therefore a great conservation value. Some "wild" population (e.g. from the Mediterranean) are in fact derived from primitive domestic species (Groves 1989). These populations should have a lower conservation status, of sourse. Autochtonous status was recently supported by morphological or molecular analyses for e.g. Hystrix cristata in peninsular Italy, Oryctologus cuniculus in France, Papio hamadryas on the Arabian peninsula, Bos souveli in Cambodia/Vietnam/Laos/Thailand, Procyon pygmaeus and Nasua (narica) nelsoni on Cozumel island; allochtonous status for e.g. Macaca sylvanus in Gibraltar, Oryctolagus cuniculus in Northern Africa; and some species/subspecies remain unresolved: Cervus elaphus barbarus in Northern Africa, Felis (bengalensis) iriomotensis on Iriomote Island, Uracyan littoralis on Channel Islands of California or Potamochoerus larvatus on Madagascar.
We show that negative values of quasidistributions do not directly represent probabilities. Using the two types of orthogonal factorization of sinc function it is demonstrated that negative terms in the sampling formula related to the nonclassical behaviour of light can be interpreted as positive amplitudes of probabilities in the negative orthogonal sinc-basis or Bessel-function basis, whereas positive amplitudes of probabilities in the positive basis describe classical states. and V příspěvku je ukázáno, že záporné hodnoty kvazidistribuce nepředstavují přímo pravděpodobnosti. Použitím dvou typů ortogonálního rozkladu funkce sinc je ukázáno, že záporné členy vzorkovací formule, které mají vztah k neklasickému chování světla, lze interpretovat jako kladné amplitudy pravděpodobnosti v negativní bázi, zatímco kladné amplitudy pravděpodobnosti v pozitivní bázi popisují klasické případy. Pravděpodobnost jako čtverec amplitudy pravděpodobnosti je vždy kladná.