The congress,Women and Media Congress, brought 1,000 women (and some men) to Prague June 20. It was organized by the CAS Institute of Sociology. A diverse range of nationalities, professions, ages and political backgrounds was represented. Various debates and seminars included sexism in media, women and social media and women in decision making in media. Creative workshops focused on soft-skills development: coaching, mentoring, rhetoric, presentation skills in the media. The most important outcome of this Congress was resolutions. They were referred to the political groups in the Czech Republic. and Marcela Linková a Blanka Nyklová.
Vierter Band, Enthält die Kurrenden vom Jahre 1856 bis incl. 1860, herausgegeben unter der Regierung Karl Boromaeus Hanl, Rejstřík s vlastním tit. listem, and Část. souběžný český text, část. latinský text, čeština a němčina tištěny švabachem
Zweiter Band, Enthält die Currenden vom Jahre 1843 bis inclus. 1849, herausgegeben unter der Regierung Karl Bor. Hanl, Rejstřík s vlastním tit. listem, and Část. souběžný český text, část. latinský text, němčina a čeština tištěny švabachem
Řešitelé přípravné fáze evropského infrastrukturního projektu EPOS (European Plate Observing System), jehož cílem je vybudovat v Evropě integrovaný systém geovědních observatoří, se koncem února 2014 v Praze sešli již potřetí. Jednání navázalo na pražské zasedání v září 2012, na němž aktéři projednali základní strukturu poskytovaných služeb (podrobněji AB 5/2012). and Jan Zedník, Pavel Hejda.
The International Workshopo on Astronomical X-Ray Optics took place in Prague during the second week of December 2010. Its goal was to present and discuss recent and forthcoming technologies for future X-ray astronomy missions, with an emphasis on IXO of ESA/NASA/JAXA. These missions require development mostly of innovative technologies, and invited speakers discussed the possibilities, results obtained so far, and new ideas in detail. It is ovious that the requirements of future large space X-ray astronomy missions are so demanding that they need a truly interdisciplinary approach through wide international collaboration. The technologies will include X-ray optics based on Si wafers, advanced glass forming for precise X-ray optics, but also other possible technologies, as well as related advanced metrology, measurements and tests. and Jana Poledniková.
A conference Urban landscape took place in Prague January 20, and was organized by the Institute of History of the ASCR and by Charles University in Prague. Its goal was to present and discuss a range of topics from the intercisciplinary field of science on the juncture between geography and history, called historical geography. and Eva Chodějovská, Robert Šimůnek.