The 9th annual Science and Technology Week was organized for the public by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic on November 2-8, 2009 and it took place in Brno, České Budějovice, Hradec Králové, Ostrava, Plzeň and Praha. The program included speeches by scientific professionals, presentations of noteworthy experiments, workshops, non-traditional exhibitions, science cafés, and visits to laboratories and academic workplaces. Science and Technology Week is one of the largest science communication efforts which presents the latest scientific achievements and results of current research. and Luděk Svoboda.
This was a comment during an interview with Professor Vaclay Pates, a renowned Czech biochemist, for a feature article in this issue. The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR) has been observing the 20m anniversary of its inception, of which this is a part. Professor PaOes was President of the Academy (2005-2009) and also of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic (2010-2012). His scientific speciality is genomics. His research group was among the first to completely sequence a genome, namely, the DNA of a bacterial virus. In addition, he discovered a specific enzyme involved in the catabolism of the plant hormone cytokinine. He co-authored of the first Czech synthetic gene (the precursor of the neurotransmitter enkefaline). and Marina Hužvárová.
Institute of Art History of the ASCR in cooperation with British Archeological Association organized between 7th-12th July 2006 session, that had the character of an international conference, the topic was Medieval Art and Architecture in Prague and Bohemia. The lectures were completed by excursions into main Czech medieval monuments, such as Prague centre, Karlstejn Castle and Kutna Hora Centre. and Klára Benešovská.
Před 50 lety, ve dnech 27.-28. května 1963, se v liblickém zámku konala konference o díle Franze Kafky. Šlo o význačnou událost, jež měla dosah nejen vědecký, nýbrž také kulturně-politický. Náběhy k pozitivnějšímu vnímání Kafkova díla zaznamenáváme již v druhé polovině 50. let, kdy vychází studie Ivana Dubského a Mojmíra Hrbka O Franzi Kafkovi (Nový život 1957, č. 4, s. 415-435). Rok nato se objevuje román Proces v překladu Pavla Eisnera a studie Pavla Reimana Společenská problematika v Kafkových románech (Nová mysl, č. 1, 1958, s. 52-63). and Roman Kanda.