Velká Morava patří ke kontroverzním tématům středoevropské medievistiky. Nejedná se totiž o běžný předmět akademického výzkumu, ale o fenomén, který je trvale přítomen v novodobém politickém diskurzu střední Evropy. Myšlenka, že Velká Morava byla nejstarším státem (státním útvarem) středoevropských Slovanů, na který přímo navazovala státnost českých Přemyslovců, polských Piastovců a uherských Arpádovců, tak zůstává ve středoevropském regionu stále živá. Slabina dosavadních přístupů spočívá v tom, že stát byl chápán jako axiom, o jehož existenci se nepochybuje. Současný proud bádání přistupuje k velkomoravské státnosti mnohem kritičtěji. Obrací se, stejně jako moderní evropská medievistika, k etnologii či sociální a kulturní antropologii, v níž hledá opory pro svoje interpretační modely i nové pojmosloví. and Great Moravia is a controversial theme within Central European Medieval studies. Rather than being a standard subject of academic research it is a phenomenon that has been a constant in Central European modern political discourse. The idea that Great Moravia was the earliest state of Central European Slavs, which was a direct predecessor of the statehood of the Czech Přemyslids, the Polish Piasts and the Hungarian Arpáds family, remains very much alive in the Central European region. The weak point of the earlier approaches consists in the fact that the state was taken to be an axiom, the existence of which was not questioned. The contemporary line of research examines Great Moravian statehood from a more critical point of view. Just as with modern European medieval studies it turns to ethnology as well as social and cultural anthropology, where it hopes to find support for its interpretational models and new terminology.
‘Carantanian / Köttlach’ jewellery from southwest Slovakia and from the other parts of the Carpathian Basin. In the Slovak and Hungarian archaeological literature, a small group of early medieval jewellery from southwest Slovakia was labelled as being of ‘Carantanian / Köttlach’ provenance, meaning that it originated from Eastern Alps region (today’s Austria and Slovenia). The goal of the article is a revision of the issue of provenance in the context of analogous finds from Moravia and the Carpathian Basin (i.e. today’s Hungary, western Romania and northeastern Croatia). The provenenace from the Eastern Alps region can be confirmed in the case of several Slovak finds only, the others are of local origin. Also, from the point of view of chronology, we are dealing with a relatively heterogenous group of jewellery, with a date-range from the turn of the 8th-9th centuries to the 11th century. The author tries to demonstrate that the argument in the middle of the 20th century and later about the ‘influences from the Eastern Alps region’ was dependent on the state of archaeological research at that time. It was a viewpoint that over-emphasised the importance of early medieval ‘Köttlach culture’ in Eastern Alps region, especially for the spreading of some jewellery types to other regions of middle and southeastern Europe., Šimon Ungerman., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
In the southern part of the O´swi˛ecim Basin, in the Ko´nczyce Wielkie gravel-pit, we can find outcrops of Quaternary deposits with varied geological histories. The lower fluvial sequence is covered with glacigenic sediments. The glacigenic deposits occurring below the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary and interglacial sediments are older than the Cromerian Complex. This ice-sheet advance, in its maximum extent in southern Poland, is correlated with the Günz, i.e. pre-Cromerian glaciation in Western Europe. Cultural material was located within fluvial sands with fine-grained gravels, below a layer of diamikton – interpreted as till – and underneath the boulder pavement – an equivalent of diamikton. Raw materials inventory include local flint and hornstone, foreign flint, hornstone, quartzite, opalite, gneiss granite. Among the artifacts are macrolithic and microlithic cores, flakes and tools. The pebbles, flakes and microlithic-flakes were base for making the tools., Eugeniusz Foltyn ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The article presents visualization options for archaeological sites employing a manual GPS receiver and a methodology for creating maps on the basis of surface finds using the MapSource program. Sophisticated analytical databases make it possible to examine the distribution and spatial relationships of different types of archaeological finds. Spatial data from the analytical database of MapSource were treated using open source statistical package R., Martin Kuča, Petr Matějec, Lubomír Prokeš., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
1_ Analysis of chipped stone industry from Kopčany and Brehov (Slovakia). The fl ake stone assemblages (and other assemblages) which were discovered during the excavation of two archaeological sites in Eastern Slovakia – Zemplínske Kopčany and Brehov were analysed. Seventeen stone artefacts were found in object No. 24A-D/1974 at Zemplínske Kopčany. Obsidian stone, which is a local raw material, occurs at a higher frequency than imported raw materials – Jurassic fl int “G” and basalt. With the exception of two blanks (cores), the assemblage consists of fi nished tools, most of which were made on blades. Other tools present include two fl ake scrapers and a blunt drill made of Jurassic fl int “G”. One obsidian core is lightly reduced and the second obsidian core has a pyramidal shape. The remainder of the Zemplínske Kopčany assemblage includes ten fi nished products made of local (sedimentary rocks) and imported raw material (amphibolite?). Whetstones are most common and axes are less numerous. The assemblage also includes a wedge, a fragment of an axe-hammer, a globular pestle and conical byproducts from axe-hammer production., 2_ Local raw materials were used at Brehov. The local obsidian dominates and other stone materials are present in small proportions. The typological character of the fl ake industries is also different. Flakes account for 68 % of the artefacts and blades 25 %. Specifi c artefacts are the „łuszcznie“ (“Splitter” in German) though to have been used as chisels or cutting tools. The cores are very small and lightly reduced. One pebble with negative scars and one drill (borer) are also present. Other artefacts include a shaft of a fl at axe made of local hornstone and a fragment of an unfi nished granodiorite axe-hammer with a hole drilled in the middle (possibly originating from the High Tatras?). The analyzed assemblages are compared with assemblages from other Baden Culture sites in Slovakia and in particular to those from the Malopolskie Voivodship. The analyzed artefacts from Zemplínske Kopčany and Brehov correspond to two phases in the development of the Baden Culture. The older phase has stronger affi nities to the Funnel Beaker Culture, and in the case of the Brehov site, to a younger phase, which is parallel with the Pleszow-Zesławice group in the Malopolskie Voivodship., Marián Soják., and Obsahuje seznam literaruty
This arčcicle present analysis of a teat number of palaeobotanic samples from 13 historic plots, archaeologiccally excavated 1983 - 1992 in the town of Brno. On this outstandingly large archaeobtanic material changes of the pectrum of plant remains were reviewed for the high medieval ages (and Postmedieval period). For the first time in the Czech Republic this large number of sampled featrues (mainly cesspits) enabled to conclusively monitor the vaying importance of certain utility plant species during a long time span. Also changes in accompaying weed vegetation, icnicating the origins and agrotechniques of cultivated plants were observed. Spectrum of the local synanthrope vegetation fefelct improving hygienic situation within the inbuilt area of Brno town. Timbre/charcoal analysis consclusively refelcts variable sources of wood/ charcoal for the medieval (Postmedieval) town., Petr Kočár, Romana Kočárová, Emanuel Opravil, Rudolf Procházka., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Následující tři texty navazují na diskusi otevřenou v Archeologických rozhledech 62/2010 (712–719). Předmětem diskuse jsou úskalí aktuální praxe, kdy si profesionální archeologové, resp. instituce založené na principu neziskovosti, najímají na provedení terénních prací komerční organizace. Je zřejmé, že bez úpravy zákona týkajícího se archeologie je problém, vyplývající ze změny politicko-ekonomické situace České republiky, těžko řešitelný. Perspektivám připravovaných právních změn se věnuje třetí text, uzavírající diskusi. and The following three texts are a follow-up to the discussion opened up in Archeologické rozhledy 62/2010 (712–719). The subject matter of the discussion is the current practice when professional archaeologists or institutions established along the non-profit principle hire commercial organizations to carry out the fieldwork. It is evident that without modification of the law concerning archaeology, this problem – a consequence of the political and economic transition of the Czech Republic – is difficult to solve. The last, third text concluding the discussion is focused on the prepared legislative changes.
Častá změna podnázvu, Cizojazyčné soub. názvy do r. 1956, Od r. 1953 Praha : ČSAV, Od r. 1966 Praha : Academia, and 1992 Praha : Archeologický úst. ČSAV