In the summer issue of Academic Bulletin, 53 directors of all Academy institutes were introduced. They will be in charge of their institutes during the next five years. In this issue, we have asked them three questions: In which direction they will lead the development of their institute? What are they doing to reach excellence in science? If they can lead the institutions in accordance with the new statutes called "Public Research Institutions".
This month we continue with the comments of the directors of all the Academy institutes, who were asked these three questions: In which direction they will lead the development of their institutes? What are they doing to achieve excellence in science? Can they evaluate the work in accordance with the new statutes called Public Research Institution?
We continue in introduction the comments of three additional directors of Academy Institutes, who were asked three questions. and Odpovědi 3 ředitelů ústavů AV ČR na otázky redakce ( pokračování)
Na slova Adolfa Heyduka. 1. Dnes pláčou sosny v lesině; 2. Kvete lípa, kvete; 3. Rybičky. and Sólový zpěv s doprovodem klavíru či jiného sólového nástroje.