Solar activity has important effect on terrestrial environment in which human population lives. Long-term and short-term periodicities in solar activity had influence on secular climate changes, little ice ages and climatic optima. The article summarizes briefly the results and methods of historical climatology. The text resumes the methods of research of the solar activity variation over the last 1500 years, through physical methods as well as through preserved written sources. The basic mechanisms of the effects of solar activity on terrestrial environment and human population are explained as well as the predictions of the upcoming solar activity. This may indicate that we are currently at the beginning of another long-term solar minimum., Kateřina Podolská., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Náboženství zůstává významným společenským fenoménem, „silou, která působí na jiné síly“, a to i ve společnosti české, která bývá občas označována za jednu z nejateističtějších na světě. Předpovědi vyplývající ze striktně pojaté teorie sekularizace se nenaplnily, a my tak můžeme vidět aktivitu tradičních církví i vznik nových náboženských směrů a společností, stejně jako přetrvávající a v některých oblastech dokonce sílící vliv náboženství v politice a veřejném životě jako celku. Z toho samozřejmě vyplývá potřeba tyto jevy sociologicky zachytit. Existuje mnoho metod a přístupů, my se však budeme zabývat pouze kvantitativními sociologickými výzkumy náboženství. V tomto textu se autor věnuje pouze náboženskému chování, a to ještě v redukci, kdy bude náboženské chováním studovat skrze návštěvnost bohoslužeb. Cílem tohoto článku je ukázat nesamozřejmost a komplikovanost spojenou s tímto tématem – jak na konceptuální úrovni, tak i na úrovni měření. V článku jsou využívána především data z výzkumných sérií European social survey (ESS), ISSP a European social survey (EVS)., This article deals with problems of religiosity research in sociology. First I c oncentrate on more general topics connected with religiosity research as is cross-country validity of survey instruments or relationship of theoretical concepts and empirical indicators in sociological surveys. Another part is about attending religious ceremonies which is one of the most significant (statistically as well as substantially) indicators in religiosity research. But despite the fact that it is behavi - oral indicator, so seemingly easy for measuring, its reliability became object of disputes in sociology of religion. I p resent data on church attendance taken from most important international survey series in sociology – ISSP, EVS and ESS. Results among these surveys are varying but despite this they are robust enough for interpretation and making cautious conclu - sions. Some possibilities for modifications of “attendance questions” based on experiences from General social survey are suggested., and Martin Vávra.
The majority of crime is not detected by the police itself. Its work, if it is to be effective, depends heavily on the people’swillingness to cooperate with the police. The paper compares the degree of such cooperation between the Czech Republic and other European countries that participated on the ESS R 5 research and focuses on factors influencing the cooperation. Education, feelings of safety when walking alone in local areas after dark and satisfaction with police officers’ treatment allplay an important role in explaining people’swillingness to cooperate with the police. Further, results of the analyses show that the Czech Republic and other post -communist countries alike suffer from relatively low legitimacy of the police as well as low degree of public cooperation with this institution. Moreover, the data suggest that perceived legitimacy of the police is considerably influenced by public trust in it and perception of its transparency. However, these seem to be still relatively low in the Czech Republic., Eva Moravcová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The goal of the text is to analyze concordance between one’sreligion and a close relative’s estimation thereof. To establish the accuracy of parents’ estimates of their children’sreligion and vice versa, we ask the following question: what is the concordance of post-socialization beliefs about (un)successful transmission of religiosity between direct actors (parent/child)? We argue that the reliability of that estimate indicates the effectiveness of religious socialization. Socialization is not treated as a nonproblematic one-way process, but rather as a result of repeated mutual parent-child interactions and a host of other intervening factors (secondary socialization etc.) In this context, the level of estimate reliability is treated as an indicator of religious socialization and of the continuity of religious memory within family, which is viewed as a collective phenomenon. In other words, by imprinting values into one’s memory and worldview, the process of religious socialization shapes the ways one views the world and him/herself as well as the focus of his/her attention, or what is stored in his/her memory. Our project is conceptualized at an intersection of the theories of socialization and religious memory. Among the latter, we primarily rely on Jan Assmann’s conceptualization of memory. While many contemporary authors deal with issues of religious socialization, and some even with its links to memory, no investigations thus far have attempted to verify intergenerational transmission in terms of the reliability of mutual estimation of (non)religiousness between generations. The analyses are based on data from the KODINA 2015 survey which specifically complemented its main sample with a selection of respondents’ close relatives. This allows us to analyze a sample of parent-child dyads. Simple frequency tables revealed some effects of the accounting person’s generation on estimate concordance. Specifically, parents were much more likely to misjudge their children’s religiosity - to consider them Roman Catholic although the children themselves identified as nonbelievers. Logistic regression was used for more detailed analysis, which revealed that the discordance between parents’ and children’s estimates is not statistically significant and only a partial effect could be demonstrated in interaction with the estimating person’sreligiosity. In sum, we present three main findings: (1) close relatives estimate each other’sreligiosity relatively accurately. That indicates, as we argue, the importance of the socialization process. (2) Estimate accuracy depends on the estimating and estimated persons’ religiosities and combination thereof. This demonstrates the importance of continuity of (non)religious belief because lower estimate accuracy has been observed in discontinuity situations. (3) There was no statistically significant difference of estimates between generations, yet the relationship demonstrated in the case of the interaction is primarily notable in that Roman Catholic parents incorrectly estimated their nonbeliever children to be Roman Catholics as well., Jan Váně, Veronika Hásová., and Obsahuje použitou literaturu