The virgin forests of the Krkonoše Mts. have been transformed into less stable spruce monocultures due to economic activities in the past. The objective of the current management of forest ecosystems is to create a compact core area of a sufficient size capable of autoregulation processes. Surrounding areas should be managed in ways that protect and conserve native biodiversity. Conservation efforts should be coordinated between the Czech and Polish sides of the Krkonoše Mts. and Otakar Schwarz.
Článek vychází z pozorování výskytu kobylky malé (Phaneroptera nana) v centru Prahy. Představuje blíže tento druh, jeho rozšíření, prazskou mikropopulaci a poznatky z chovu v insektáriu., This article is based on observations of the Mediterranean Katydid (Phaneroptera nana) in the centre of Prague. It presents the species, its spread, its Prague micropopulation and information on insectarium breeding in some detail., and Pavel Pecina.
Fossil continental molluscs have not hitherto been regarded as reliable paleoenvironmental indicators. Little was known about their ecological requirements or their position in characteristic biomes of the Quaternary climatic cycle, for instance in the loess steppe. Only recent analyses of their assemblages in a broad environmental context have shown that they are indicative of a number of important environmental phenomena in the same way as pollen grains or vertebrate remains. and Vojen Ložek.
The Academy of Sciences participated in the Earth Day celebration on April 22, 2010. This activity, which was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson, inspires awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s natural environment. and Luděk Svoboda.