The International Workshopo on Astronomical X-Ray Optics took place in Prague during the second week of December 2010. Its goal was to present and discuss recent and forthcoming technologies for future X-ray astronomy missions, with an emphasis on IXO of ESA/NASA/JAXA. These missions require development mostly of innovative technologies, and invited speakers discussed the possibilities, results obtained so far, and new ideas in detail. It is ovious that the requirements of future large space X-ray astronomy missions are so demanding that they need a truly interdisciplinary approach through wide international collaboration. The technologies will include X-ray optics based on Si wafers, advanced glass forming for precise X-ray optics, but also other possible technologies, as well as related advanced metrology, measurements and tests. and Jana Poledniková.
A conference Urban landscape took place in Prague January 20, and was organized by the Institute of History of the ASCR and by Charles University in Prague. Its goal was to present and discuss a range of topics from the intercisciplinary field of science on the juncture between geography and history, called historical geography. and Eva Chodějovská, Robert Šimůnek.
Nakladatelství Artefactum Ústavu dějin umění AV ČR vydalo publikaci Markéty Svobodové Krematorium v procesu sekularizace českých zemí 20. století. Ideové, stavební a typologické proměny. Kniha vychází jako druhý svazek monografické řady Epigraphica & Sepulcralia, kterou založil dr. Jiří Roháček. and Ludmila Hůrková.
The aim of the present article is to shed light on the background of the analytical frame that nas been developped by the author himself and his colleague L. Thévenot in De la justification. Les économies de la grandeur. It has been conceived as an instrument to be applied in the analysis of the critical operations (critism and justification in situations of confiict) carried out by the actors in their everyday life. Yet the position of the sociologist and therefore of his work is challenged at the same time. The critical actor and the "classical" sociologist that pretend to have access to a more genuine reality than ordinary people have and that thus assume a critical position, appear to be much closer to each other than it is usually believed. In order to make the analysis of the ciritcal operations possiible, this position of the "classical" sociologist must be abandoned. This is how our critical societies, in which actors are endowed with critical ressources and use them quasi-permanently, can be grasped as an object of sociological analysis. The author thn examines the conditions of possibility of such a sociology of criticism and the socilogist´s new position he is conducted hereafter to occupy., Luc Boltanski., and Obsahuje použitou literaturu
In this issue, we feature an article by Professor Jiří Drahoš, president of the Academy of the Sciences of the Czech Republic. The article focuses on a current situation of in the Academy. He emphasises that the ASCR is the most efficient institution in the field of science and research in Czech Republic. What's more, the Aca demy was 99th among 2000 institutions evaluated by Clmago Institutions Ranking: 2009 World Report. In December 2009 at the Academic Assembly, the Czech Science Academy head. Censured the Government Council for Research and. Development and Innovation for downgrading its funding system of support for science. In his speech at the Assembly he also stressed that Academy as a consequence of its research continuously returns to society what it has received for its scientific endeavours from public finances. and Jiří Drahoš.