CEFRES Platform and its new premises within the Czech Academy of Sciences were inaugurated on October 7-8, 2015. In 2015, theCAS built a brand newlibrary in order to hostCEFRES’smore than 6,000 volumes alongwith its teamand Prague’s Francophone readers. The new library was inaugurated during a ceremony in the presence of French Ambassador Jean-Pierre Asvazadourian, President of CAS Jiří Drahoš and Rector of Charles University Tomáš Zima. CEFRES (French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences) was founded in Prague in 1991 with the aim to restart scientific exchanges between France and Central Europe as the latter underwent major changes after the fall of communism. One of CEFRES’s tasks since then has been to build up a network of research teams between France, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. and Luděk Svoboda.
Miroslav Tůmna, Vice-president of the Academy of Sciences, met with representatives of the Department of Science & Technology of the Republic of India and the Ambassador of India, Mr. V. Ashok. April 20, 2012 at the ASCR headquarters. The ASCR continues to collaborate with two Indian science institutions, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research of India and Indian National Science Academy. This scientific cooperation is open to all institutes of ASCR associated in the Division for Mathematics. Physics and Earth Sciences and in Division for Life and Chemical Sciences. and srd.
India drew our attention last year more than ever. We remembered 150th birth anniversary and 70th death anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore, the Laureate of Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913. Tagore visited the Czechoslovak Republic twice and he got in a close contact with the representatives of the Czech intellectual and artistic elite. For example, Leoš Janáček was inspired by him to compose choral The Wandering Madman. Tagore was also in contact with Karel Čapek, Tomáš G. Masaryk and Vincent Lesný, a scientist from Oriental Institute who contributed to the development and research of Indian languages. He was also a mentor to a new generation of students of Indology in the Czech Republic. and Andrzej Magala.
Pracovník Filosofického ústavu AV ČR prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Peregrin, CSc., DSc., obhájil disertaci Inferentialism před komisí Filosofie a získal vědecký titul „doktor sociálních a humanitních věd“. Prof. Peregrin patří ke klíčovým osobnostem české filozofie a logiky a na mezinárodní scéně je jedním z nejvýznamnějších představitelů filozofického programu známého jako inferencialismus. and Jaroslav Peregrin.