The library of the chateau in Strážnice contains a binder’s volume of 25 German printed books from the 16th century, three of which may be considered as unique. Several of them were owned by the famous Lutheran theologian Matthias Flacius Illyricus, who gave them to his fellow believers, Erasmus Minckwitz von Minckwitzburg and Nicolaus von Ansdorf. and Petr Mašek.
Text rukopisu psaný ve dvou sloupcích na pergamenu., Obsahuje tři celostránkové miniatury s evangelisty Markem, Lukášem a Janem., and Datace převzata z textu u poslední miniatury.
The paper is concerned with a small group of anonymous treatises, located together in the Ms. 524 of the Corpus Christi College Library in Cambridge on fol. 112r to 131v. How these treatises are connected together through their common structure and subject matter and how they create one consistent group is examined. Particular attention is paid to the brief treatise Effectus adventus Domini (On the Effects of the Entry of the Lord <into the Soul>), which is remarkable for its elaborate structure and colourful narrative of the individual effects. The treatise is compared with similar texts as well and an edition of the treatise is provided at the end of the paper. and Jan Odstrčilík.