Turkem jewellery is due to its high artistic quality considered the most valuable jewellery of the Central Asia. It is characterized by its robust, yet elegant form, combination of typical materials and distinctive processing techniques. The article deals with the Turkmen jewellery in the past (late 19th century – early 20th century) and the present. Attention is paid to the used material, technological proces, design and implementation of jewellery in everyday life. Jewellery workshop of the contemporary jeweller Murat Sakhatov from Ashgabat is also presented., Tereza Hejzlarová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The article dicusses the Uzbek fabrics made in ikat technique (abrbandí), the production of which occupies an important place in the Uzbek applied arts. The theme is treated in terms of technological progress, used material, design and composition. Significant local production centers of ikat fabrics in the past and present are also presented. Greated attention is paid to the current main center of production - the city of Margilan in Fergana Valley., Tereza Hejzlarová., and Obsahuje poznámky a seznam literatury
In her article, Barbara M. Stafford argues for the conception of literacy that would encompass visual skills besides the traditional emphasis on verbal competence. Image itself is important, not merely the information it may convey. Moreover, a more extensive notion of education is necessitated by the process of radical perceptual and conceptual changes that have been occurring since the Enlightenment and are all-pervasive in Postmodernism. The new-found power and ubiquity of images needs to be recognized in order to surpass the limitative, yet enduring Platonic distrust in visual culture. Medical,environmental, physical, legal, and other practices have nonetheless profoundly benefited from the technologies of visualization.Examples from the 18th century visual endeavors such as preserving fragmented cultures, exhibition of diversity, and the externalization of somatic experience show, how images challenge the restrictions of human comprehension. With the advent of visual and electronically generated culture, the time is ripe to edify images from their low status.Visual cognition as the crucial element of knowledge should be reflected in a hybrid art-science, public policy, as well as pedagogy., Barbara Maria Staffordová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This article deals with the work of a prominent personality from Egypt's cultural and literary community, Tawfiq al-Hakim, who was instrumental in establishing Egyptian drama. he was one of the fist defenders of folk literature and the Thousand and One Nights in Egyptian history, thus playing a crucial role in the incorporation of popular literature into modern pieces of writing. The essay covers al-Hakim's relationship with folk literature from his early childhood to his literary period as an author. Great emphasis in placed on an analysis and literary critique of his most famous play, the Shahrazad, which was inspired by a collection of folk storie. A collaborative novel that he wrote in conjunction with another influential Egyptian writer, Taha Husayn, is also mentioned., Katarína Kobzošová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The article describes effort of Ottoman Empire to become a master of all Eastern Mediterranean in the reign of Sultan Suleiman I. (1520-1566). The main problem for Ottomans was existence of Knights of St.John of Jeruzalem, which had their base in the Island of Rhodes. In 1522 Suleiman raised the great siege of Rhodes, which was successful and Knights of St.John were defeated and had to abandoned Rhodes. Their next base became the Island of Malta. In 1565 Suleiman tried to occupate Malta, but siege was unsuccessful and Ottomans were totally defeated. Malta (1565) and Lepanto (1571) were important turning-points in the war between Christendom and Islam in the Eastern Mediterranean in 16th century., Martin Konečný., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The present article briefly summarizes the development of early Christian mosaics in the area beyond the Jordan River, and deals with the inspiration behind their creation, as well as the source of ideas and the actual purpose behind their creation. The two main periods of their production, divided by the Persian and Muslim invasions, are identified, and the effect of regional competition among various churches and bishoprics in relation to the subject matter of the mosaics is mentioned as well., Pavel Mrázek., and Obsahuje seznam literatury