This year's Science and Technology Week, organized for the public by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, took place November 1-15 in Prague, Brno, České Budějovice, Olomouc, Ostrava and other places. Science and Technology Week is one of the largest science communication efforts in the Czech Republic, presenting the latest scientific achievements and results of current research to an increasing number of Czech citizens. Scientists from research workplaces of the ASCR presented a cross section of lectures, presentations, panel discussions, seminars, excursions, exhibitions and discussion evenings. This gave attendees insights into their research projects, scientific apparatuses and an outline on the latest trends in the areas of science in the Czech Republic and the world. The festival has a main theme each year. This year theme was the Science Energy. and Luděk Svoboda.
By studying how a layer of moleculs grows into and ordered layer from the edge of a rectangular silicon wafer, the team of Prof. Jan Genzer from the USA has established the time evolution of self-propagating, self-assembly fronts. The team is the first to confirm the phenomenon in a real physical system. and Marina Hužvárová.
Ještěrky dokážou v nouzi odhodit svůj ocas a ten jim naroste. Axolotl mexický je schopen regenerovat celé orgány. Přeborníky jsou však ploštěnci - nejen že libovolné části jejich těl dorůstají, ale z odděleného kousku jejich organismu dokáže vyrůst celý nový jedinec. Takové regegnerační schopnosti lidský organismus nemá. Věda a medicína ale umí nahradit, či dokonce vylepšit stále více a více... and VIktor Černoch, Gabriela Adamková.