Spain took over the European Union Presidency from Sweden on January 1, 2010- The main priority in the field of research and development is to move forward the European Research Area (ERA) conceived as a common shared space for knowledge. To achieve this objective, the Presidency has identified three "axes": integration, integrate R&D instruments at any level address the major challenges faced by society; and inclusion, science and innovation working together promote social cohesion and tackling poverty and exclusion. and Lenka Havlíčková.
The Academy Assembly, the Academy of Science´s highest body responsible for the highest priority decisions related to the ASCR, held its XXXIX meeting on December 16, 2011. Among invited guests were Petr Fiala, the Prime Minister´s Chief Science Advisor; Karel Pospíšil, Head of Board of Public Applied Research Institutions; Václav Pačes, President of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic; Rudolf Zahradník, Honorary President of the ASCR; Helena Illnerová, former President of the ASCR; Václav Hampl, Rector of Charles University of Prague; Přemysl Sobotka, First Vice-President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, and Vladimír Haasz, Vice-Chairperson of the R&D Council of the Czech Republic, and others. The main agenda item of this meeting was discussion the results of the Evaluation of Academy Instituties. and Jiří Drahoš.
Akademie věd ČR představila na prosincovém Akademickém sněmu novou strategii, která se připravovala dlouhou dobu kromě jiného v diskusi s řediteli pracovišť. Každá změna samozřejmě vyvolává ohlasy v celé šíři škály - od záporných reakcí až po ty kladné. Strategii AV21 představujeme čtenářům na následujících stránkách současně s informacemi ze sněmovního zasedání, ale přesto jsem požádala předsedu AV ČR prof. Jiřího Drahoše o zodpovězení několika otázek. and Marina Hužvárová.
Czech scientists and pedagogues made common meeting to discuss the perspectives of National Library and Clementinum. In an Open Letter to the Czech government and to Prague´s chief magistrate, they suggested being concerned about the future of Clementinum without its overshadowing National Library., [Marina Hužvárová]., and Autor používá šifru HaM