Studie Davida Kozla je věnována formě hudební koláže ve vztahu k princpipu mytologického myšlení, stejně jako jejího použití v postmoderní hudební tvorbě., The term neo-mythologism can be used as an interpretative approach to reflect the new 20th-century music paradigm, which helps to explain changes in the understanding of basic structural elements of myth and music. The study identifies certain possible correlations between mythological thinking and music by analysing the concept of collage (bricolage). The underlying theoretical concept employed is Claude Lévi-Strauss’ structural anthropology as proposed in La Pensée Sauvage (1962). Collage is viewed as a manifestation of neo-mythologism and as a narrative in the postmodern musical discourse, which is accompanied by changes in the understanding of the essence of the musical matter and compositional techniques of composers. The compositional treatment of several different layers of the musical structure within a musical collage with a view to conveying a new meaning is in principle akin to how meaning is generated in mythological thinking through the combination of various materials., David Kozel., Rubrika: Studie, and České resumé na s. 192, anglický abstrakt na s. 181.
Obsahuje přívazek: Nowá a prawdiwá hystorye gistého kominjckého towarysse Jána Bělohlawj and Obsahuje přívazek: Nowá a užitečná hystorye wssem těm, genž se strassidel a čarodegnic bogi a zwěř pitlakugj
We feature an interview with Prof. Miroslav Verner, who is a world-known Czech Egyptologist. His book The Pyramids was translated into several languages. For seventeen years, he was the director of the Czech Institute of Egyptology and led Czech excavations at Abusir. He has also been associated with the Universities of Vienna and Hamburg as well as Charles University in Prague and the American University in Cairo. and Sylva Daníčková.
We feature an interview with Prof. Miroslav Verner, who is a world-known Czech Egyptologist. His book The Pyramids was translated into several languages. For seventeen years, he was the director of the Czech Institute of Egyptology and led Czech excavations at Abusir. He has also been associated with the Universities of Vienna and Hamburg as well as Charles University in Prague and the American University in Cairo. and Sylva Daníčková.