This area in Central Bohemia is characterized by predominantly limestone bedrock and fully-developed karstic phenomena – the main reasons for its high botanical di - versity and occurrence of many rare and endangered species. In the center of the area, well-developed broad-leaved forests are found, as well as xerothermophilous non-forest vegetation. At the borders of the area, acidophilous, basiphilous and serpen - tinophilous plants occur on non-calcareous rocks (e. g. slates, basaltoids, picrites). and Pavel Špryňar.
Rostlinný hormon auxin je známý jako regulátor prodlužování stonku a (ne)aktivity postranních pupenů. Ve skutečnosti ale dokáže mnohem více. Ovšem jen za předpokladu, že se ho správné množství vyskytuje ve správném místě a čase. Příjem auxinového signálu zajišťují receptory uvnitř buňky i na jejím povrchu., The plant hormone auxin is a long-known regulator of shoot elongation and auxiliary bud (in)activity. But there is much more about it – if the right amount of auxin appears at the right place and time. The auxin signal is perceived by both intracellular and surface receptors., and Jiří Libus.
Although it has been generally reported that carnivorous plants of the genus Nepenthes are not very selective about their prey, the new studies have shown that the genus is under a strong selective pressure to specialize in certain prey. Moreover, novel nutrient sequestration strategies have recently been described, including leaf litter and faeces utilization. Thus the genus Nepenthes is a new and illustrative example of adaptive radiation with regard to nitrogen sequestration strategy. and Andrej Pavlovič.