Autoři se zaměřili na přírodu jednoho z významných ostrovů Makaronésie - Madeiry.Ostrov je v současnosti zajímavou mozaikou zbytků původní flory (třetihorní lesy tzv. laurisylva) a nejrůznějších užitkových i okrasných rostlin ze subtropů a některých tropů celého světa. První díl dvoudílného seriálu se zabývá přírodními poměry a původní vegetací Madeiry., The authors have focused on the nature of one of the major islands of Macaronesia – Madeira. The island is currently an interesting mosaic of the remnants of the native flora (including tertiary forests called laurisilva) and a variety of useful and ornamental plants from the subtropics, as well as tropics throughout the world. The first part of the series is dealing with the natural conditions and the native vegetation., and Miloslav Kuklík, Václav Zelený.
Bryophytes, with their more than 860 species, represent more than a quarter of higher plants native to the CR. They can reveal much more about the ecosystems they live in than we would expect, as their physiological contact with the surroundings is much closer than that of the vascular plants. and Jan Kučera.
The function of biofilms in natural waters is driven primarily by mutual interactions between algae, bacteria and their grazers. In turn, the grazers together with a hydraulic regime of the environment may control the biomass and the thickness of the biofilms and affect their ability to intake and retain nutrients and toxic pollutants. Thus biofilms represent the hot spots of metabolic activity which contribute substantially to water self-purification and serve as food for invertebrate organisms. However, biofilms may also show adverse effects on the surfaces they colonize. and Martin Rulík.