The study deals with the policy towards the Jewish minority in Slovakia during the first years of the interwar Czechoslovak Republic. In particular it examines the attitudes, semantics and everyday praxis of the members of the new political establishment. Whilst they attempted to solve the "Jewish question" as soon as on the turn of the 19th and 20th century by establishing cooperatives, after the World War I they used their new governmental authority for revising the so-called "liquor licenses" which were seen as a "Jewish privilege". This emphasis on the "practical" or "humanitarian" antisemitism - significant for the Czech and Slovak populism since the late 19th century - merged in the postwar period with the aggressive campaign against the "Judeo-Bolshevism" which was alleged as a threat for the new Czechoslovak state. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
Cieľom tohto textu je poukázať na špecifiká analýzy tlače ako výskumnej metódy. Stručne je približená kritická diskurzívna analýza ako jeden z možných prístupov k takémuto typu výskumu. Konkrétnejšie sa autorky venujú analýze nadpisov, ktorej možnosti ukazujeme na príklade troch štúdií. Prvá sa týka reprezentácií vojny v Iraku v britských printových médiách (Richardson, 2007), druhá reprezentácií cudzincov v českej tlači (Klvačová, Bitrich, 2003) a tretia reprezentácií vstupu Slovenska do EÚ v dvoch mainstreamových slovenských denníkoch (Petrjánošová, Lášticová, 2007). Autorky uzatvárajú, že analýzu mediálnych textov nemožno stotožňovať s analýzou akýchkoľvek iných textov, keďže pri ich vytváraní zohrávajú úlohu záujmy viacerých aktérov a ich významy podliehajú mnohorakým vplyvom.
Americký diplomat Paul Hacker podle recenzenta významně přispěl k dosud nepočetným diplomatickým memoárům o Československu po pádu komunistického režimu (původní vydání: Slovakia on the Road to Independence: An American Diplomat’s Eyewitness Account. University Park, Pennsylvania State University Press 2010). Hacker od podzimu 1990 do konce roku 1992 vedl nově zřízený americký generální konzulát v Bratislavě, který se poté se vznikem Slovenské republiky stal velvyslanectvím. Jeho vzpomínky pojednávají zejména o Slovensku v posledních letech československé federace, o jeho cestě k samostatnosti a prvních krocích jako suverénního státu. Události přitom nahlíží ze slovenské perspektivy, zatímco pohled český či československý téměř absentuje. Recenzent komentuje například jeho líčení dělení společného státu, odstíněný portrét slovenského premiéra Vladimíra Mečiara nebo aféru s objevenými odposlechy na bratislavském generálním konzulátu., The book under review is a Slovak translation of Paul Hacker´s Slovakia on the road to independence: An American diplomat´s eyewitness account (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2010). With this book, Hacker has made an important contribution to the small number of memoirs by diplomats which discuss Czechoslovakia after the collapse of the Communist regime. Hacker, from autumn 1990 to late 1992, was in charge of the newly established US consulate in Bratislava, and, after the creation of the Slovak Republic, became the US ambassador to that country. His memoirs discuss Slovakia particularly in the last years of the Czechoslovak federation, its road to independence, and its first steps as a sovereign state. He looks at events from the Slovak perspective, almost completely ignoring the Czech and Czechoslovak. The reviewer notes, for example, Hacker´s depiction of the division of the federation, his sketch of the Slovak premier, Vladimír Mečiar (b. 1942), and the affair over the discovery of the wiretapping of the US consulate general in Bratislava., [autor recenze] Tomáš Zahradníček., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Publikace podle recenzenta přináší zajímavý pohled na slovenský autonomistický proud v meziválečném Československu z dosud nezpracovaného úhlu, a to optikou amerických a kanadských Slováků. Nejedná se pouze o přehledovou práci o slovenském autonomistickém hnutí, nýbrž také o hlubokou sondu do politického, náboženského a kulturního prostředí severoamerických krajanů, jež mělo významný vliv na aktivitu slovenského politického hnutí v první Československé republice. Autor dokumentuje jak vztahy a kontakty politiků na Slovensku s krajanskou obcí v Severní Americe, tak proměny jejích názorů na státoprávní uspořádání Československa a postavení Slováků v něm, které dospěly přes počáteční dílčí rozpory k jednoznačnému autonomistickému stanovisku., This publication, whose title translates as ‘The American Slovaks’ contribution to the movement for an autonomous Slovakia, 1918-38’, provides, according to the reviewer, an interesting view of a trend in inter-war Czechoslovakia seen from the hitherto ignored angle of the Slovaks living in the USA and Canada. This is not only a general survey of the movement for Slovak autonomy; it is also an in-depth examination of the political, religious, and cultural milieux of Slovaks living in North America, which had an important influence on the Slovak political movement in the first Czechoslovak Republic. The author documents the relations between politicians in Slovakia and the Slovak communities in North America, and also discusses the changes in their views on the constitutional arrangement of Czechoslovakia and the Slovaks’ status within it, which led, despite initial conflicts, to a clear autonomist stance., [autor recenze] Marek Šmíd., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Several quite severe droughts occurred in Europe in the 21st century; three of them (2003, 2012 and 2015) hit also Slovakia. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and Standardized Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) were used for assessment of meteorological drought occurrence. The research was established on discharge time series representing twelve river basins in Slovakia within the period 1981–2015. Sequent Peak Algorithm method based on fixed threshold, three parametric Weibull and generalized extreme values distribution GEV, factor and multiple regression analyses were employed to evaluate occurrence and parameters of hydrological drought in 2003, 2011–2012 and 2015, and the relationship among the water balance components. Results showed that drought parameters in evaluated river basins of Slovakia differed in respective years, most of the basins suffered more by 2003 and 2012 drought than by the 2015 one. Water balance components analysis for the entire period 1931–2016 showed that because of contin
The article on the Romani migration from Slovakia to the territory of the Czech Republic is based on the field research realized by the organization „Člověk v tísni" (People in Need) in
the year 2003. Analysis of this probe has shown that the non-asylum Romani migration was in the year 2003 much stronger than the migration of asylum seekers; that in the case of non-asylum migration this was in the first place an innovation migration, while in the case of
asylum seekers it was a so called survival migration. The non-asylum migration was usually a chain migration either of individuals or families and utilises family relations in the country of
origin as well as in the country of final destination. The information is being handed on not only through families, but also in settlements; some of them even specialize in some kind of
migration. The migration of Romani between the Czech Republic and Slovakia is bid-irectional, but more Romani migrate into the Czech Republic then to Slovakia, due to better economic situation there. Romani migration is a dynamic phenomenon and because of its character, based on close family relations of Romani residents on Czech and Slovak territory, it will for sure continue in future.