Segment of the Český zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czech Aktualita Sound Newsreel) 1943 No. 23B captures the funeral of poet, playwright and writer František Xaver Svoboda held in Prague on 28 May 1943. Mourners come out of the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul in Vyšehrad. Image of the inscription "Pax vobis" at Vyšehrad Cemetery. The funeral ceremony is attended by a number of church dignitaries. The coffin with the late poet´s remains is carried towards the Slavín Tomb, on the steps of which funeral speeches are delivered by literary critic Miloslav Hýsek and poet František Sekanina. Mourners include Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Adolf Hrubý. The segment is concludes with the interment of the coffin in the national crypt at Slavín, Vyšehrad.