Pracovník Ústavu chemických procesů AV ČR Ing. Pavel Izák, Ph.D., DSc., obhájil před komisí Chemických věd disertaci „Separation of fluids by Non-porous Membranes“ a získal vědecký titul „doktor chemických věd“. Disertace se detailně zabývá separací kapalin, plynů a organických par přes neporézní polymerní membrány; zdůrazněn je případný aplikační potenciál iontových kapalin a vodní kondenzující membrány v praxi. and Pavel Izák.
Czech Scientists have received a four year research project (2011-2014), enabling them to continue in their research activities focused on slope stability and phenomena of the glacial lakes outburst flood in the majestic Cordillera Blanca in Peru. Previous research as well as the new project is supported by Peruvian colleagues from Autoridad Nacional Del Agua, Unidad de Glaciologia y Recursos Hidricos, Huaraz. The project will study four topics: spatial and temporal occurrence of landslides; stability calculations of dangerous slopes; GLOF extent modeling; and multi hazard maps preparation. and Jan Klineš, Vít Vilímek, Miroslava Benešová a Petr Bouška.
A meeting of the Visegrad Group of Academies was held in Třešť on September 23-24 and was hosted by Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The Visegrad Group of Academies was initiated in March 2000 by the Slovak Academy of Sciences which organized the first meeting of the representatives of the V4 Academies in Bratislava. and Robert Zika.
Cancellor Angela Merkel visited on August, 25, 2016, the Czech Republic at the invitation of the Czech Premier Bohuslav Sobotka. One of the topics of their discussion were also modern technologies, expecially the industrial digitalization. After their meeting at the Office of the Government, Chancellor participate in a debate about Czech-German cooperation in the field of research and development, which was attended by representatives of enterprises and research facilities and where dshe met her former colleagues Professor Rudolf Zahradník and Zdeněk Havlas from the Institute of organic chemistry and biochemistry of the CAS., lsd., and Autor je podepsaný šifrou "lsd".
Nobelovští laureáti a mladí vědci z celého světa se setkali v Lindau, malebném městečku na ostrově v Bodamském jezeře, letos již po šedesáté páté. Nápad pořádat setkání s držiteli nejprestižnějšího vědeckého ocenění se zrodil v roce 1951 z niterné pohnutky hraběte Lennarta Bernadotteho, člena švédské královské rodiny, aby se vybudovaly mosty mezi generacemi, kulturami, konfesemi a národy a znovu se ve světové vědecké komunitě navázaly vztahy zpřetrhané válkou., Robert Zika., and Lindau Nobel laureate meetings with young scientists
This symposium focused on participants from Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Following the tradition of the CESTC, two plenary lectures were offeret for each of the participating countries and a number of short reports and poster presentations. Student Kiran Bhaskaran Nair from Charles University in Prague was awarded the Student poster prize as creator of the best student poster. and Petr Čárský, Květa Stejskalová.