Následující tři texty navazují na diskusi otevřenou v Archeologických rozhledech 62/2010 (712–719). Předmětem diskuse jsou úskalí aktuální praxe, kdy si profesionální archeologové, resp. instituce založené na principu neziskovosti, najímají na provedení terénních prací komerční organizace. Je zřejmé, že bez úpravy zákona týkajícího se archeologie je problém, vyplývající ze změny politicko-ekonomické situace České republiky, těžko řešitelný. Perspektivám připravovaných právních změn se věnuje třetí text, uzavírající diskusi. and The following three texts are a follow-up to the discussion opened up in Archeologické rozhledy 62/2010 (712–719). The subject matter of the discussion is the current practice when professional archaeologists or institutions established along the non-profit principle hire commercial organizations to carry out the fieldwork. It is evident that without modification of the law concerning archaeology, this problem – a consequence of the political and economic transition of the Czech Republic – is difficult to solve. The last, third text concluding the discussion is focused on the prepared legislative changes.
Cílem příspěvku je revize a doplnění dosavadních archeologických a stavebněhistorických pohledů na počátky města Ústí nad Labem. Královské město ve významné poloze na řece Labi a blízko zemské hranice vzniklo před polovinou 13. století v návaznosti na zdejší raně středověké osídlení, doložené písemnými prameny a archeologickými nálezy. Dosavadní hodnocení je však zatíženo řadou domněnek a nedoložených tvrzení, jež se opakují a dále rozvíjejí v literatuře, přestože nebyla předložena adekvátní dokumentace. Jde zejména o otázku zdejších hradů – raně a vrcholně středověkého. Existence ani jednoho z nich ve skutečnosti není prokázaná, nálezové situace, na něž se odkazuje, jsou nedostatečně prezentované a vzbuzují velké pochybnosti. Forma a rozsah raně středověkého osídlení na místě Ústí zůstávají bez dalších archeologických dokladů nejasné. Příspěvek dále upozorňuje na nové poznatky a možnosti hodnocení blízkého hradu Střekova, jehož užší spojení s počátky vrcholně středověkého města nelze vyloučit. and The aim of the article is to revise and supplement the existing archaeological and historical building research view of the beginning of the town of Ústí nad Labem, Northern Bohemia. The royal town with an important position on the Elbe River and near the border was established before the middle of the 13th century in connection with the local early medieval settlement documented by written sources and archaeological finds. However, the existing evaluation is burdened by numerous assumptions and unsubstantiated assertions that have been passed down and hyperbolized in the literature despite inadequate documentation. This in particular concerns issues regarding the local castles, both early and high medieval. The existence of neither one has been proven: the presentation of the alleged find situations is wanting and raises serious doubts. In the absence of additional archaeological evidence, the form and scope of medieval settlement at the Ústí site remain unclear. The article also presents new findings and possibilities for evaluating nearby Střekov Castle, whose close connection with the beginnings of the high medieval town cannot be ruled out.
This paper concentrates on newly discovered copper flat axes of Hulin–Pravˇcice and Laškov–Kandia dating to the Early Aeneolithic. A description of the artifacts and their find context are provided. The article deals with copper artifacts from Central Moravia supplemented with selected Lengyel material from Hulin–Pravˇcice. The conclusion evaluates the results of a metallurgical analysis, analogies, interpretations, and the dating of both axes., Miroslav Dobeš ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
At present, the catalogue of early mediaval bridges in the nort-western part of territory with Slavic settlement contains 81 localities: 47 in Germany and 34 in Poland. In some of them more than one bridge (2 to 3 structure) was documented, bringing the total number of bridges to 101. Construction dates, different prhases in the lives of the bridges and dates ranges for when they were reapired were obtained based on dendrochronology and spartial-chronological analysis. The present anaylsis deals with 48 bridges from 37 localities in north-west Slavic territory: 22 in Germany and 16 in Poland. In 16 cases more or less probable reconstructions have been made and four basic types of bridges ascertained., Gerard Wilke., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This study is based on the author‘s paper entitled „Przemiany kulturowe na prełomie epok kamienia i brazu na Morawach i wokól Moraw w świetle przemysłów krzemieniarskich“ wirtten as part of a habilitation thesis completed at the Socio-Historical Faculty of the Rzeszów University. Polish and English versions of this paper are available on the Central Committee for Scientific Degrees and Titles (Warsaw, Poland) web page. Due to the wide scope of the issue, this work includes only a review of lithic industries from Young Eneolithic (Jevišovice, Bošáca and Globular Amphora cultures) until the end of the Early Bronze Age (the Věteřov group) on the territories of Moravia and Czech Silesia. Comprehensive analyses of typology, technology and changes in raw material preferences have revealed specific evolutionary patterns. Cultural transformations towards the end of the Stone Age resulted in the formation of the Bronze Age in eastern Central Europe. The research indicates that Moravia played an important role in these transformations, significantly influencing the adjacent regions (Lower Austria, Bohemia, Silesia and southwest Slovakia)., Lubomír Šebela., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Analyses of lithic materials of the Jevišovice culture from five sites of major importance (Brno-Malomˇeˇrice, Brno- Starý Lískovec, Grešlové Mýto, Jevišovice–Starý Zámek, and Vysočany) indicate that – in general terms – they are more similar to Early Aeneolithic assemblages than to the so-called terminal assemblages. This conclusion is based on the presence of regular pre-shaped cores for blades, series of regular blade blanks, and "classic" blade tools, including endscrapers, burins, and truncated blades. However, certain "terminal" elements (frequent utilization of local rocks, high proportion of functional tools, common denticulated retouch) are also evident., Jerzy Kopacz, Lubomír Šebela., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The author has conducted surface surveys within the Příbor cadastral territory over the last 35 years. This has resulted in a discovery of dozens of surface artifact clusters. Morphological characteristics of these artifacts suggest that some of them represent remnants of Mesolithic sites and possibly also Late Paleolithic sites., Jan Diviš., and Obsahuje seznam literatury