Predace semen je strategie, kdy živočich za účelem obživy napadá a zničí mnoho semen rostlin. V tomto krátkém sdělení přibližujeme aktuální poznatky o střevlíkovitých predátorech semen po uvolnění z rostliny. Střevlíkovití brouci zpravidla preferují semena odpovídající velikosti jejich těla, výběr druhů preferovaných semen je však pro daný druh střevlíka typický a během sezony se nemění. Během sezony značně kolísá množství spotřebovaných semen, za optimálních podmínek vysoké hojnosti a aktivity brouků může být denně zničeno až 1000 semen na ploše 1 m2. Střevlíkovití přitom preferují semena hvězdnicovitých rostlin (Asteraceae), jako jsou pampelišky (Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia) nebo pcháč oset (Cirsium arvense), dále semena brukvovitých (Brassicaceae), jako je kokoška pastuší tobolka (Capsella bursa-pastoris). Střevlíkovití tak přispívají k udržení biologické rovnováhy., Seed predation is a strategy where an animal attacks and kills the seeds of plants. In this contribution we report on the latest knowledge on carabid beetles (Carabidae) feeding on seeds after dispersal from the plant. In general, carabid beetles prefer seeds of appropriate size to their body size, but the selection of seed species is species-specific and remains stable across the season. The consumption considerably varies throughout the year, and under optimal conditions the carabid beetles may destroy up to 1000 seeds per 1 m2. Carabid beetles prefer seeds of Asteraceae, such as Dandelion (Taraxacum) or Canadian Thistle (Cirsium arvense), and of Brassicaceae, such as the Shepherd’s Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris). In this way the carabid beetles contribute to the balance in ecosystems., and Pavel Saska, Alois Honěk, Zdenka Martinková.
Small molecules that regulate the cell division cycle are a joint research project of the CAS Institute of Experimental Botany and Palacký University’s Faculty of Science. An interview with Professor Miroslav Strnad, head of the Laboratory of Growth Regulations, describes the significance of this joint project. The laboratory concentrates its research on small molecules that regulate cell division cycle, proliferation and growth of both plant and animal cells. Cytokinins and cytokinin-derived purine inhibitors of cyclindependent kinases are the most intensively studied compounds. The multidisciplinary research team is composed of experienced plant physiologists, biochemists and organic and analytical chemists. Many students are involved in the research phase during their pre-graduate and postgraduate studies in botany, analytical and organic chemistry, biochemistry or medicinal biology. Several research projects are in progress in collaboration with international partners (University of Berlin; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; University of Natal Pietermaritzburg, South Africa and the Vienna Medical University. and Marina Hužvárová.
Prof. Bohuslav Jiruš and his bequest in the Herbarium of the National Museum - collection of Zenker, Pringle, Sintenis, Ehrenberg, Goetze, Warnecke, Hieronymus & Niederlein, and Zimmermann from 1901-1904.