Pozn. V.H. Jarka, Přehl. operních repertoárů divadel, v nichž Karel Nedbal působil, Zkr., 5000 výt., and Vyprávění českého dirigenta o vlastním mládí a umělecké cestě je i příspěvkem k poznání českého hudebního života před 1. svět. válkou, za 1. republiky a v letech okupace. Ve svých vzpomínkách oživuje spory o Dvořáka, postavy našich i cizích umělců, zpěváků, skladatelů a dirigentů, se kterými se setkal za svého působení v Praze, Olomouci, Bratislavě i v zahraničí
Studie Kateřiny Nové se zabývá vzájemnými vztahy mezi dirigentem Václavem Talichem a hudebním vědcem Otakarem Šourkem, které vykládá s pomocí dochované korespondence těchto osobností., The friendship between the music writer, critic, and organizer Otakar Šourek and the world-famous conductor Václav Talich lasted nearly 50 years. We can get an idea of the intensity of their friendship by studying their mutual correspondence. Šourek always deeply admired Talich, and he tried to support him with all of his might (although not unconditionally). Talich, on the other hand, respected Šourek, and he confided in him about his everyday cares and joys, but in their correspondence we also find deep reflections about the music of Antonín Dvořák or comments about current politics and social issues. Talich’s letters thus give us a glimpse beneath the surface of the daily life of one of the most prominent Czech conductors., Kateřina Nová., Rubrika: Studie, and Anglické resumé na s. 319, anglický abstrakt 301.
The music critic, writer, and organizer Otakar Šourek was bound to the world-famous conductor Václav Talich by a close friendship practically throughout their lifetimes. The study of their mutual correspondence provides valuable information about their experiences during the difficult years of the Nazi occupation and following the Communist putsch. Šourek was Talichs advisor and confidant, and even during the hardest years, he always expressed his support for Talich and gave him practical assistance. Talich greatly valued Šourek for his personal character and for the work he had done in the field of Dvořák scholarship. The article is a continuation of a study published in Hudební věda 49 (2012), No. 3, pp. 301-320., Kateřina Nová., Rubrika: Studie, and Anglické resumé na s. 143-144.