The 80 th Prague Meeting on Macromolecules, this time focused on Self-assembly in the world of polymers, took place in Prague on July 10-14, 2016. Its participants discussed theoretical aspects of polymer self-assembly, advanced methods of preparing and characterizing self-assembling macromolecular system; special attention was paid to biomimetic self-assembled nanostructures as well as to biological and technical applications of self-assembled macromolecular systems. and Jana Olivová.
Czech and Slovak Society for Photonics organised its 7th conference Photonics Prague dealing with Photonics, Devices and Systems. The Conference was held on August 24-26, 2011 in Artemis Olympik hotel in Prague. 97 participants from 24 countries answered to the invitation of Organizing and Program Committees. The excellent and exciting 4 plenary talks were followed by successful eleven sessions (with 29 invited, 78 oral and 51 posters presentations) on various aspects of Photonics. SPIE Best student presentation Awards have been distributed among four winners, and CSSF Award received ex-aequo two young Czech scientists. and Česká a slovenská společnost pro fotoniku uspořádala již svou sedmou konferenci Photonics Prague o fotonických zařízeních a systémech. Konference se konala 24. - 26. srpna 2011 v hotelu Artemis Olympik v Praze. Excelentní a vysoce zajímavé plenární přednášky byly následovány 11 sekcemi o různých aspektech optiky se 7 zvanými vystoupeními, 41 referáty, a 43 postery. SPIE při této příležitosti udělila ceny pro nejlepší studentské prezentace a ČSSF ex-aequo cenu pro dva mladé české vědce.