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2. Praha, Brevnov monastery, Fortitudo
- Creator:
- Asam, Egid Quirin
- Publisher:
- Zinke, Otmar Daniel, Abbot of Brevnov monastery
- Type:
- fresco
- Subject:
- sloup, putto, and Fortitudo
- Description:
- Stucco relief sculpture directly below Guntherus represents woman with a column, the allegory of Strength., Bushart 1986#, 245-246 (Bärbel Hamacher a Ralph Paschke)., and In the ceiling fresco of the main hall of the monastery's prelature featuring the miracle of the Blessed Guntherus, Perseus' myth is included. The ceiling painting proclaims that the Iustitia of the Břevnov monks firmly rests on a triad of moral virtues, Sapientia, Fortitudo and Temperantia. Into this ideological program the story of Perseus was embedded, the pagan hero being presented as a forerunner and alter ego of Blessed Guntherus. The old story celebrated the antiquity of the Břevnov monastery and its classical aura tied it with Rome and its imperial tradition.
- Rights:
- autorská práva www.olympos.cz
3. Praha, Brevnov monastery, Sapientia
- Creator:
- Asam, Egid Quirin
- Publisher:
- Zinke, Otmar Daniel, Abbot of Brevnov monastery
- Type:
- stucco relief sculpture
- Subject:
- caduceus, radiating light, putto, and Sapientia
- Description:
- Stucco relief sculpture, an allegory of Wisdom. In her right hand she holds a caduceus; two snakes confronting, their heads symbolizing peace and the radiating light at the caduceus' end standing for reason. With her left hand she presses her breast, a symbol of generosity., Bushart 1986#, 245-246 (Bärbel Hamacher a Ralph Paschke)., and In the ceiling fresco of the main hall of the monastery's prelature featuring the miracle of the Blessed Guntherus, Perseus' myth is included. The ceiling painting proclaims that the Iustitia of the Břevnov monks firmly rests on a triad of moral virtues, Sapientia, Fortitudo and Temperantia. Into this ideological program the story of Perseus was embedded, the pagan hero being presented as a forerunner and alter ego of Blessed Guntherus. The old story celebrated the antiquity of the Břevnov monastery and its classical aura tied it with Rome and its imperial tradition.
- Rights:
- autorská práva www.olympos.cz
4. Praha, Břevnovský klášter, Fortitudo
- Creator:
- Asam, Egid Quirin
- Publisher:
- Zinke, Otmar Daniel, opat břevnovský
- Type:
- štukový reliéf
- Subject:
- sloup, putto, and Fortitudo
- Description:
- Štuková reliéfní socha pod zobrazením blahoslaveného Vintíře zobrazuje ženu se sloupem, alegorii Síly., Bushart 1986#, 245-246 (Bärbel Hamacher a Ralph Paschke)., and Do nástropní fresky v hlavním sále prelatury, která zobrazuje zázrak blahoslaveného Vintíře, je začleněn mýtus o Perseovi. Freska s Vintířem proklamuje, že Iustitia břevnovských mnichů pevně spočívá na třech morálních ctnostech, Sapientia, Fortitudo a Temperantia. Do tohoto programu je včleněn Perseův příběh, v němž je pohanský hrdina představen jako předobraz a alter ego blahoslaveného Vintíře. Antický mýtus oslavuje starobylost břevnovského kláštera, jeho klasická aura klášter propojuje s Římem a imperiální tradicí.
- Rights:
- autorská práva www.olympos.cz
5. Praha, Břevnovský klášter, Sapientia
- Creator:
- Asam, Egid Quirin
- Publisher:
- Zinke, Otmar Daniel, opat břevnovský
- Type:
- štukový reliéf
- Subject:
- caduceus, zářící světlo, putto, and Sapientia
- Description:
- Štuková reliéfní socha, alegorie Moudrosti. V pravé ruce drží caduceus, dva propletení hadi s hlavami proti sobě symbolizují mír a zář moudrost. Levou ruku si tiskne na prso, symbol štědrosti., Bushart 1986#, 245-246 (Bärbel Hamacher a Ralph Paschke)., and In the ceiling fresco of the main hall of the monastery's prelature featuring the miracle of the Blessed Guntherus, Perseus' myth is included. The ceiling painting proclaims that the Iustitia of the Břevnov monks firmly rests on a triad of moral virtues, Sapientia, Fortitudo and Temperantia. Into this ideological program the story of Perseus was embedded, the pagan hero being presented as a forerunner and alter ego of Blessed Guntherus. The old story celebrated the antiquity of the Břevnov monastery and its classical aura tied it with Rome and its imperial tradition.
- Rights:
- autorská práva www.olympos.cz