The Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) has contributed to the success of the Czech pavilion at the World EXPO 2015 in Milan, the motto of which is: Feeding the Planet: Energy for Life. The motto was also reflected in the nine Days of Czech Science, held in early July under the partnership of the Joint Research Centre in Ispra. Several institutes of the CAS presented results of their most recent discoveries. The Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, among others, displayed its research aimed at seeking new human medications for lifestyle diseases and showed, for instance, a human cell as a miniature “chemical plant” in which thousands of actions bring about the healthy functioning of an organism. The institute also prepared an exhibition entitled Czech Science fighting viruses, which also introduced one of the protagonists in this field, outstanding Czech scientist Antonín Holý.One of the Czech lecturers who addressed the audience both at the EXPO and in Ispra was Lenka Maletínská. She focused on the potential role of modified neuropeptides in the fight against obesity, which is also explained in the article by Lenka Maletínská and Jaroslav Kuneš in this edition. and Marina Hužvárová.
Článek ukazuje pohled na utváření novověké koncepce pokroku v dílech Bernarda Le Boviera de Fontenelle. Idea pokroku byla poprvé přesně zformulována právě ve Fontenellových pracích. Podnětem pro Fontenellovy úvahy byla intelektuální debata querelle des anciens et des modernes. Tato diskuze měla rozhodnout o nadřazenosti novověku nad antikou nebo naopak. Fontenelle se debaty účastnil a závěry, k nimž došel, dovršily jeho teorii pokroku, jíž se věnoval nejen téměř ve všech pracích, ale též ve chvalořečích., This paper presents a view of the constitution of the early modern idea of progress in works of Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle. The idea of progress was for the first time framed in Fontenelle’s works. The intellectual discussion Querelle des anciens et des modernes was the cue of Fontenelle’s considerations. This dispute had to decide the predominance of moderns under the anciens, or the anciens under the moderns. Fontenelle participated on this debate, and his conclusions had been an important part of his theory of progress proposed in his works and panegyrics., and Dagmar Zajíčková.