18.-19. března 1987 v Kolíně, pořadatel Ústřední muzeologický kabinet v Praze ve spolupráci se Středočeským muzeem v Roztokách a Regionálním muzeem v Kolíně
The Golden Bull of Sicily - a rare document linked to the medieval Kingdom of Bohemia - was displayed at the National Archive for four days during its 800th anniversary. The Golden Bull was a decree issued by Frederick II of Germany. King of Rome and Sicily and future Holy Roman Emperor, on September 26, 1212 to Ottokar I of Bohemia. It declared the Bohemia state's sovereignty, indivisibility and mainly the here- ditary title of king for Bohemian sovereigns, and confirmed the rights and privileges the Czech kings of Bohemia enjoyed within the Roman Empire. The Golden Bull is considered as one of the most significant documents of the Czech statehood. In the archive's exhibition hall, the Bull and three other accompanying documents were open to the public from September 27 to September 30. Part of the anniversary was also a colloquium, organized by the Institute of History of the ASCR. and Eva Doležalová a Josef Žemlička.