This area in Central Bohemia is characterized by predominantly limestone bedrock and fully-developed karstic phenomena – the main reasons for its high botanical di - versity and occurrence of many rare and endangered species. In the center of the area, well-developed broad-leaved forests are found, as well as xerothermophilous non-forest vegetation. At the borders of the area, acidophilous, basiphilous and serpen - tinophilous plants occur on non-calcareous rocks (e. g. slates, basaltoids, picrites). and Pavel Špryňar.
Ostrov La Gomera je součástí Kanárského souostroví a patří k výjimečným místům ve světovém měřítku. Jde o jeden z nejstarších a nejmenších ostrovů souosroví s velmi pestrou a bohatou endemickou faunou. V článku představíme faunu nosatcovitých brouků (Curculionoidea), kteří nejsou zajímaví pouze svou obrovskou radiací v rámci nik, které využívají, ale také svými životními strategiemi., La Gomera is an island in the Canaries archipelago and an extraordinary location on a worldwide scale. It belongs among the oldest and smallest islands, with highly varied and rich endemic fauna. This article presents the local fauna of weevils (Curculionoidea). These beetles are of interest not only because of their enormous radiation within the niches they inhabit, but also due to their life strategies., and Filip Trnka.