The age dependence of the photosynthetic performance, chlorophyll fluorescence and chloroplast ultrastructure of green form and Chl ft-deficient form (aurea) of tobacco Su/su mutant were compared. The most pronounced differences between the aurea and green tobacco found in young leaves diminished with leaf age. Slower accumulation of the photosynthetic pigments during the development of aurea leaves was accompanied by a slower accumulation of LHC antennae of both photosystems, particularly that of PS2, and by retention of an increase in the capacity of PS2 photochemistry, measured as Fy/FM The ratio Fv/Fm, however, increased rapidly during maturation of aurea leaves, and fmally the mature aurea leaves exhibited higher values of this ratio than the green ones. Rates of photosynthesis at saturating irradiance (Epiax) saturating CO2 concentration (/’sat) decreased with leaf age for both aurea and green tobacco, being always higher in aurea leaves than in leaves of green tobacco of comparable age. AU these characteristics indicated retarded development of aurea leaves. Also the chloroplast ultrastructure, particularly grana formation, exhibited slower development. The decrease in /Wx and with leaf age in both tobacco forms and retardation in the development of aurea leaves can explain higher value of usually found in aurea tobacco.