The text presents transliteration of the manuscript written by Barbora Čížková who was born and lived in the only Czech village in Bulgaria, Vojvodovo, till the remigration to the Czechoslovakia after WW II. In her text, named “History of the Čížek and Karbula families”, the events are mentioned that are related to the Czech Vojvodovo community in a broad time-span from the foundation of the village in 1900 till the situation of the community in Czechoslovakia after the remigration in 1948-1950. Although history of Vojvodovo is rather known, this is the first time when it is thematised by a member of the given community. The transliteration of the Čížková's manuscript is supplemented by explanatory notes and a short introduction to the phenomenon of Vojvodovo.
The paper provides examples from a fieldwork on Slovak - Romani relation in the village in the Northeast Slovakia in 1994 - 2001. Partial results of the grant project B 8058903 from the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic are presented. This presentation discusses both the interaction between different ethnicgroup and the impact of decollectivisation and „privatisation“ in one village territory in north-east Slovakia. The appearing of „new owners“ of formerly collectivised land in locality with two ethnically different populations with two dissimilar demographic behaviour repersents the frame for an analysis. The rise of interethnic disputes was caused by the problems of transformation (bankruptcy of Industrial companies and co-operatives , unemployment). This paper aims at distinguis hing between the rights over the property as given by the law and between the actual ability of the owners to realize their rights and to acquire the claimed land. The land owners remainedmembers of „transformed“ agricultural co-operatives, while at the same time, they were usually using part of their small plots (less then 0.5 hectare per family) to sustain themselves. These changes were mutual bounded whith ethnic segregation. Special attention is paid to the problem of land restitution of the formerly collectivised fields and on the informal economy between different ethnic groups. The thesis that it is possible to interpret the growth of interethnic separation as a result of the post-communist conditions is supported.
Delayed chlorophyll fluorescence (DF) is 8 ligfit ímission emitted by plants, algae and photosynthetic bacteria immediately after their irradiatíon, originating ffom chlorophyll-pigment complexes and permitted by the entire entity of the photosynthetic apparatus. Although DF presents insignificant loss of energy potentially ušed in photosynthesis process, it is a very useful and non-invasive tool to study the "light phase" of photosynthesis. The review describes the DF phenomenon, offers latest theories that explain it, presents current knowledge of its kinetic behaviour, and puts speciál emphasis on its temperature dependence and eventual purpose. Finally, possible developments in future DF research are predicted.
Absorption, fluorescence and delayed luminescence (in ps time range) of cyanobacterium Tolypothrix tenuis (Kutz) adapted to green (GR) and red (RR) radiation and dissolved in 15% polyvinyl alcohol Solutions were measured. Fluorescence and delayed luminescence depended on the adaptation to radiation and the wavelength of fluorescence excitation. This suggests that paths of deactivation of excitation in pigment-protein complexes present in organisms adapted to GR and RR differ.
Ve studii sleduji Deleuzeovo pojetí humoru, které hraje v jeho filosofii klíčovou roli a odkrývá problematické aspekty myšlení autora, jež se částečně týkají jeho ontologie diference. Východiskem a základním kamenem mé analýzy Deleuze je teoretický esej o humoru Luigi Pirandella, který považuji za nejpronikavější zpracování tohoto tématu ve 20. století. Přesněji řečeno: využívám Pirandellův brilantní esej jako kritický protějšek (analogii) k narušené narativitě Deleuze, která je stejně fascinující jako vágní a značně bezbřehá při vymezování konotací tohoto pojmu.