This polemical reflection critically investigates the likewise polemical article by Ladislav Hohoš, published in the Filosofický časopis, No.5/2013: “Is social critique exclusively a question of neo-Marxism?”. This piece was itself responding to my polemical study “Social criticism as a problem of neo-Marxism” (Filosofický časopis, No.2/2013). I take Hohoš’s main objections against my polemic in turn, and I reply to them. To this end, I focus on Hohoš’ reproduction, and partial reinterpretation, of Marx’s ideological doctrine of historical materialism, on the basis of which he presents his standpoint. In my polemic I point to the overall unsustainability of his objections, demonstrating the unsustainability of the foundations of Marxist doctrine itself., Miloslav Bednář., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
Polemika k čl. Jaroslava Dřímala: Připojení Moravy k českému státu za knížete Oldřicha. Časopis Matice moravské 68, 1948, s. 22-49 and When was Moravia annexed to the Bohemian State?
Zum Streit um die Interpretation der Gräber "mit Merkmalen von Vampirismus" in Čelákovice. Gewissheiten und Ungewissheiten der (nicht nur) archäologischen Quellen.