791. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 22.04.1939 Type: programme Subject: Lidé pod horami / Menschen in den Bergen Language: Czech and German Description: 6 a 8 hod., v neděli též 4 hod. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
792. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 22.05.1937 Type: programme Subject: Loď komediantů Language: Czech and German Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
793. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 22.05.1942 Type: programme Subject: Preludium / Präludium Language: Czech and German Description: 3/4 6, 8 hod., v neděli též 1/2 4. hod. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
794. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 22.06.1943 Type: programme Subject: Stříbrná oblaka / Silberne Wolken Language: Czech and German Description: O 6 a 8 hod., Zač.: 6 a 8 hod. V ned. též ve 4 hod. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
795. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 22.07.1941 Type: programme Subject: Hrdinný letec Language: Czech and German Description: 6 a 8 hod. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
796. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 22.07.1944 Type: programme Subject: Hrdinové z Jaguaru / Helden vom Jaguar, Die Language: Czech and German Description: Zač. 6 a 8 hod. V ned. též 4 hod. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
797. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 22.08.1940 Type: programme Subject: Dráteníci, Lauer a Hardy Language: Czech and German Description: O půl 6. a 8 hod. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
798. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 22.08.1941 Type: programme Subject: Slečna matinka. "Pařížanka"; Slečna matinka / Fräulein Mama Language: Czech and German Description: 1/2 6., 8 hod., v neděli též ve 3 hod. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
799. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 22.08.1944 Type: programme Subject: Dům u jezera / Immensee Language: Czech and German Description: Bar. film. 6 a 8 hod. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0
800. Avia; Slovan; Kino Avia: 22.08.1944 Type: programme Subject: Píseň touhy Language: Czech and German Description: Zač. 6 a 8 hod. V ned. též 4 hod. Rights: Creative Commons BY 4.0